path: root/tools/testing/selftests/net/af_unix/test_unix_oob.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/selftests/net/af_unix/test_unix_oob.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/af_unix/test_unix_oob.c b/tools/testing/selftests/net/af_unix/test_unix_oob.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c51889acd5..000000000000
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/af_unix/test_unix_oob.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <sys/signal.h>
-#include <sys/poll.h>
-static int pipefd[2];
-static int signal_recvd;
-static pid_t producer_id;
-static char sock_name[32];
-static void sig_hand(int sn, siginfo_t *si, void *p)
- signal_recvd = sn;
-static int set_sig_handler(int signal)
- struct sigaction sa;
- sa.sa_sigaction = sig_hand;
- sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
- sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART;
- return sigaction(signal, &sa, NULL);
-static void set_filemode(int fd, int set)
- int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
- if (set)
- flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
- else
- flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
- fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);
-static void signal_producer(int fd)
- char cmd;
- cmd = 'S';
- write(fd, &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
-static void wait_for_signal(int fd)
- char buf[5];
- read(fd, buf, 5);
-static void die(int status)
- fflush(NULL);
- unlink(sock_name);
- kill(producer_id, SIGTERM);
- exit(status);
-int is_sioctatmark(int fd)
- int ans = -1;
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCATMARK, &ans, sizeof(ans)) < 0) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- perror("SIOCATMARK Failed");
- }
- return ans;
-void read_oob(int fd, char *c)
- *c = ' ';
- if (recv(fd, c, sizeof(*c), MSG_OOB) < 0) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- perror("Reading MSG_OOB Failed");
- }
-int read_data(int pfd, char *buf, int size)
- int len = 0;
- memset(buf, size, '0');
- len = read(pfd, buf, size);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (len < 0)
- perror("read failed");
- return len;
-static void wait_for_data(int pfd, int event)
- struct pollfd pfds[1];
- pfds[0].fd = pfd;
- pfds[0].events = event;
- poll(pfds, 1, -1);
-void producer(struct sockaddr_un *consumer_addr)
- int cfd;
- char buf[64];
- int i;
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- cfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- wait_for_signal(pipefd[0]);
- if (connect(cfd, (struct sockaddr *)consumer_addr,
- sizeof(*consumer_addr)) != 0) {
- perror("Connect failed");
- kill(0, SIGTERM);
- exit(1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- /* Test 1: Test for SIGURG and OOB */
- wait_for_signal(pipefd[0]);
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- buf[63] = '@';
- send(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_OOB);
- wait_for_signal(pipefd[0]);
- /* Test 2: Test for OOB being overwitten */
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- buf[63] = '%';
- send(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_OOB);
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- buf[63] = '#';
- send(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_OOB);
- wait_for_signal(pipefd[0]);
- /* Test 3: Test for SIOCATMARK */
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- buf[63] = '@';
- send(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_OOB);
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- buf[63] = '%';
- send(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_OOB);
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- send(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
- wait_for_signal(pipefd[0]);
- /* Test 4: Test for 1byte OOB msg */
- memset(buf, 'x', sizeof(buf));
- buf[0] = '@';
- send(cfd, buf, 1, MSG_OOB);
- }
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- int lfd, pfd;
- struct sockaddr_un consumer_addr, paddr;
- socklen_t len = sizeof(consumer_addr);
- char buf[1024];
- int on = 0;
- char oob;
- int atmark;
- lfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- memset(&consumer_addr, 0, sizeof(consumer_addr));
- consumer_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- sprintf(sock_name, "unix_oob_%d", getpid());
- unlink(sock_name);
- strcpy(consumer_addr.sun_path, sock_name);
- if ((bind(lfd, (struct sockaddr *)&consumer_addr,
- sizeof(consumer_addr))) != 0) {
- perror("socket bind failed");
- exit(1);
- }
- pipe(pipefd);
- listen(lfd, 1);
- producer_id = fork();
- if (producer_id == 0) {
- producer(&consumer_addr);
- exit(0);
- }
- set_sig_handler(SIGURG);
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- pfd = accept(lfd, (struct sockaddr *) &paddr, &len);
- fcntl(pfd, F_SETOWN, getpid());
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 1:
- * veriyf that SIGURG is
- * delivered, 63 bytes are
- * read, oob is '@', and POLLPRI works.
- */
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLPRI);
- read_oob(pfd, &oob);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 63 || oob != '@') {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 1 failed sigurg %d len %d %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, oob);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 2:
- * Verify that the first OOB is over written by
- * the 2nd one and the first OOB is returned as
- * part of the read, and sigurg is received.
- */
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- len = 0;
- while (len < 70)
- len = recv(pfd, buf, 1024, MSG_PEEK);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- read_oob(pfd, &oob);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 127 || oob != '#') {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 2 failed, sigurg %d len %d OOB %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, oob);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 3:
- * verify that 2nd oob over writes
- * the first one and read breaks at
- * oob boundary returning 127 bytes
- * and sigurg is received and atmark
- * is set.
- * oob is '%' and second read returns
- * 64 bytes.
- */
- len = 0;
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- while (len < 150)
- len = recv(pfd, buf, 1024, MSG_PEEK);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- atmark = is_sioctatmark(pfd);
- read_oob(pfd, &oob);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 127 || oob != '%' || atmark != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Test 3 failed, sigurg %d len %d OOB %c atmark %d\n",
- signal_recvd, len, oob, atmark);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- if (len != 64) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 3.1 failed, sigurg %d len %d OOB %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, oob);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 4:
- * verify that a single byte
- * oob message is delivered.
- * set non blocking mode and
- * check proper error is
- * returned and sigurg is
- * received and correct
- * oob is read.
- */
- set_filemode(pfd, 0);
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- if ((len == -1) && (errno == 11))
- len = 0;
- read_oob(pfd, &oob);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 0 || oob != '@') {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 4 failed, sigurg %d len %d OOB %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, oob);
- die(1);
- }
- set_filemode(pfd, 1);
- /* Inline Testing */
- on = 1;
- if (setsockopt(pfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, &on, sizeof(on))) {
- perror("SO_OOBINLINE");
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 1 -- Inline:
- * Check that SIGURG is
- * delivered and 63 bytes are
- * read and oob is '@'
- */
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 63) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 1 Inline failed, sigurg %d len %d\n",
- signal_recvd, len);
- die(1);
- }
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- if (len != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Test 1.1 Inline failed, sigurg %d len %d oob %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, oob);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 2 -- Inline:
- * Verify that the first OOB is over written by
- * the 2nd one and read breaks correctly on
- * 2nd OOB boundary with the first OOB returned as
- * part of the read, and sigurg is delivered and
- * siocatmark returns true.
- * next read returns one byte, the oob byte
- * and siocatmark returns false.
- */
- len = 0;
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- while (len < 70)
- len = recv(pfd, buf, 1024, MSG_PEEK);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- atmark = is_sioctatmark(pfd);
- if (len != 127 || atmark != 1 || !signal_recvd) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 2 Inline failed, len %d atmark %d\n",
- len, atmark);
- die(1);
- }
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- atmark = is_sioctatmark(pfd);
- if (len != 1 || buf[0] != '#' || atmark == 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Test 2.1 Inline failed, len %d data %c atmark %d\n",
- len, buf[0], atmark);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 3 -- Inline:
- * verify that 2nd oob over writes
- * the first one and read breaks at
- * oob boundary returning 127 bytes
- * and sigurg is received and siocatmark
- * is true after the read.
- * subsequent read returns 65 bytes
- * because of oob which should be '%'.
- */
- len = 0;
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- while (len < 126)
- len = recv(pfd, buf, 1024, MSG_PEEK);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- atmark = is_sioctatmark(pfd);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 127 || !atmark) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Test 3 Inline failed, sigurg %d len %d data %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, buf[0]);
- die(1);
- }
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- atmark = is_sioctatmark(pfd);
- if (len != 65 || buf[0] != '%' || atmark != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Test 3.1 Inline failed, len %d oob %c atmark %d\n",
- len, buf[0], atmark);
- die(1);
- }
- signal_recvd = 0;
- signal_producer(pipefd[1]);
- /* Test 4 -- Inline:
- * verify that a single
- * byte oob message is delivered
- * and read returns one byte, the oob
- * byte and sigurg is received
- */
- wait_for_data(pfd, POLLIN | POLLPRI);
- len = read_data(pfd, buf, 1024);
- if (!signal_recvd || len != 1 || buf[0] != '@') {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Test 4 Inline failed, signal %d len %d data %c\n",
- signal_recvd, len, buf[0]);
- die(1);
- }
- die(0);