path: root/scripts/lib/abi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/lib/abi/')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/abi/ b/scripts/lib/abi/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a57846cbc69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/abi/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# xxpylint: disable=R0903
+# Copyright(c) 2025: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <>.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+Convert ABI what into regular expressions
+import re
+import sys
+from pprint import pformat
+from abi_parser import AbiParser
+from helpers import AbiDebug
+class AbiRegex(AbiParser):
+ """Extends AbiParser to search ABI nodes with regular expressions"""
+ # Escape only ASCII visible characters
+ escape_symbols = r"([\x21-\x29\x2b-\x2d\x3a-\x40\x5c\x60\x7b-\x7e])"
+ leave_others = "others"
+ # Tuples with regular expressions to be compiled and replacement data
+ re_whats = [
+ # Drop escape characters that might exist
+ (re.compile("\\\\"), ""),
+ # Temporarily escape dot characters
+ (re.compile(r"\."), "\xf6"),
+ # Temporarily change [0-9]+ type of patterns
+ (re.compile(r"\[0\-9\]\+"), "\xff"),
+ # Temporarily change [\d+-\d+] type of patterns
+ (re.compile(r"\[0\-\d+\]"), "\xff"),
+ (re.compile(r"\[0:\d+\]"), "\xff"),
+ (re.compile(r"\[(\d+)\]"), "\xf4\\\\d+\xf5"),
+ # Temporarily change [0-9] type of patterns
+ (re.compile(r"\[(\d)\-(\d)\]"), "\xf4\1-\2\xf5"),
+ # Handle multiple option patterns
+ (re.compile(r"[\{\<\[]([\w_]+)(?:[,|]+([\w_]+)){1,}[\}\>\]]"), r"(\1|\2)"),
+ # Handle wildcards
+ (re.compile(r"([^\/])\*"), "\\1\\\\w\xf7"),
+ (re.compile(r"/\*/"), "/.*/"),
+ (re.compile(r"/\xf6\xf6\xf6"), "/.*"),
+ (re.compile(r"\<[^\>]+\>"), "\\\\w\xf7"),
+ (re.compile(r"\{[^\}]+\}"), "\\\\w\xf7"),
+ (re.compile(r"\[[^\]]+\]"), "\\\\w\xf7"),
+ (re.compile(r"XX+"), "\\\\w\xf7"),
+ (re.compile(r"([^A-Z])[XYZ]([^A-Z])"), "\\1\\\\w\xf7\\2"),
+ (re.compile(r"([^A-Z])[XYZ]$"), "\\1\\\\w\xf7"),
+ (re.compile(r"_[AB]_"), "_\\\\w\xf7_"),
+ # Recover [0-9] type of patterns
+ (re.compile(r"\xf4"), "["),
+ (re.compile(r"\xf5"), "]"),
+ # Remove duplicated spaces
+ (re.compile(r"\s+"), r" "),
+ # Special case: drop comparison as in:
+ # What: foo = <something>
+ # (this happens on a few IIO definitions)
+ (re.compile(r"\s*\=.*$"), ""),
+ # Escape all other symbols
+ (re.compile(escape_symbols), r"\\\1"),
+ (re.compile(r"\\\\"), r"\\"),
+ (re.compile(r"\\([\[\]\(\)\|])"), r"\1"),
+ (re.compile(r"(\d+)\\(-\d+)"), r"\1\2"),
+ (re.compile(r"\xff"), r"\\d+"),
+ # Special case: IIO ABI which a parenthesis.
+ (re.compile(r"sqrt(.*)"), r"sqrt(.*)"),
+ # Simplify regexes with multiple .*
+ (re.compile(r"(?:\.\*){2,}"), ""),
+ # Recover dot characters
+ (re.compile(r"\xf6"), "\\."),
+ # Recover plus characters
+ (re.compile(r"\xf7"), "+"),
+ ]
+ re_has_num = re.compile(r"\\d")
+ # Symbol name after escape_chars that are considered a devnode basename
+ re_symbol_name = re.compile(r"(\w|\\[\.\-\:])+$")
+ # List of popular group names to be skipped to minimize regex group size
+ # Use AbiDebug.SUBGROUP_SIZE to detect those
+ skip_names = set(["devices", "hwmon"])
+ def regex_append(self, what, new):
+ """
+ Get a search group for a subset of regular expressions.
+ As ABI may have thousands of symbols, using a for to search all
+ regular expressions is at least O(n^2). When there are wildcards,
+ the complexity increases substantially, eventually becoming exponential.
+ To avoid spending too much time on them, use a logic to split
+ them into groups. The smaller the group, the better, as it would
+ mean that searches will be confined to a small number of regular
+ expressions.
+ The conversion to a regex subset is tricky, as we need something
+ that can be easily obtained from the sysfs symbol and from the
+ regular expression. So, we need to discard nodes that have
+ wildcards.
+ If it can't obtain a subgroup, place the regular expression inside
+ a special group (self.leave_others).
+ """
+ search_group = None
+ for search_group in reversed(new.split("/")):
+ if not search_group or search_group in self.skip_names:
+ continue
+ if self.re_symbol_name.match(search_group):
+ break
+ if not search_group:
+ search_group = self.leave_others
+ if self.debug & AbiDebug.SUBGROUP_MAP:
+ self.log.debug("%s: mapped as %s", what, search_group)
+ try:
+ if search_group not in self.regex_group:
+ self.regex_group[search_group] = []
+ self.regex_group[search_group].append(re.compile(new))
+ if self.search_string:
+ if what.find(self.search_string) >= 0:
+ print(f"What: {what}")
+ except re.PatternError:
+ self.log.warning("Ignoring '%s' as it produced an invalid regex:\n"
+ " '%s'", what, new)
+ def get_regexes(self, what):
+ """
+ Given an ABI devnode, return a list of all regular expressions that
+ may match it, based on the sub-groups created by regex_append()
+ """
+ re_list = []
+ patches = what.split("/")
+ patches.reverse()
+ patches.append(self.leave_others)
+ for search_group in patches:
+ if search_group in self.regex_group:
+ re_list += self.regex_group[search_group]
+ return re_list
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Override init method to get verbose argument
+ """
+ self.regex_group = None
+ self.search_string = None
+ self.re_string = None
+ if "search_string" in kwargs:
+ self.search_string = kwargs.get("search_string")
+ del kwargs["search_string"]
+ if self.search_string:
+ try:
+ self.re_string = re.compile(self.search_string)
+ except re.PatternError as e:
+ msg = f"{self.search_string} is not a valid regular expression"
+ raise ValueError(msg) from e
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def parse_abi(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().parse_abi(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.regex_group = {}
+ print("Converting ABI What fields into regexes...", file=sys.stderr)
+ for t in sorted(, key=lambda x: x[0]):
+ v = t[1]
+ if v.get("type") == "File":
+ continue
+ v["regex"] = []
+ for what in v.get("what", []):
+ if not what.startswith("/sys"):
+ continue
+ new = what
+ for r, s in self.re_whats:
+ try:
+ new = r.sub(s, new)
+ except re.PatternError as e:
+ # Help debugging troubles with new regexes
+ raise re.PatternError(f"{e}\nwhile re.sub('{r.pattern}', {s}, str)") from e
+ v["regex"].append(new)
+ if self.debug & AbiDebug.REGEX:
+ self.log.debug("%-90s <== %s", new, what)
+ # Store regex into a subgroup to speedup searches
+ self.regex_append(what, new)
+ if self.debug & AbiDebug.SUBGROUP_DICT:
+ self.log.debug("%s", pformat(self.regex_group))
+ if self.debug & AbiDebug.SUBGROUP_SIZE:
+ biggestd_keys = sorted(self.regex_group.keys(),
+ key= lambda k: len(self.regex_group[k]),
+ reverse=True)
+ print("Top regex subgroups:", file=sys.stderr)
+ for k in biggestd_keys[:10]:
+ print(f"{k} has {len(self.regex_group[k])} elements", file=sys.stderr)