diff options
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a6c91f822363..841d889747c0 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use utf8;
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
+use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Data::Dumper;
@@ -702,87 +703,137 @@ sub get_leave($)
return $leave;
-sub check_undefined_symbols {
- foreach my $file_ref (sort @files) {
- my @names = @{$$file_ref{"__name"}};
- my $file = $names[0];
+my @not_found;
+sub check_file($$)
+ my $file_ref = shift;
+ my $names_ref = shift;
+ my @names = @{$names_ref};
+ my $file = $names[0];
- my $exact = 0;
- my $found_string;
+ my $found_string;
- my $leave = get_leave($file);
- if (!defined($leaf{$leave})) {
- $leave = "others";
- }
- my @expr = @{$leaf{$leave}->{expr}};
- die ("missing rules for $leave") if (!defined($leaf{$leave}));
+ my $leave = get_leave($file);
+ if (!defined($leaf{$leave})) {
+ $leave = "others";
+ }
+ my @expr = @{$leaf{$leave}->{expr}};
+ die ("\rmissing rules for $leave") if (!defined($leaf{$leave}));
+ my $path = $file;
+ $path =~ s,(.*/).*,$1,;
- my $path = $file;
- $path =~ s,(.*/).*,$1,;
+ if ($search_string) {
+ return if (!($file =~ m#$search_string#));
+ $found_string = 1;
+ }
- if ($search_string) {
- next if (!($file =~ m#$search_string#));
- $found_string = 1;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @names; $i++) {
+ if ($found_string && $hint) {
+ if (!$i) {
+ print STDERR "--> $names[$i]\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR " $names[$i]\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $re (@expr) {
+ print STDERR "$names[$i] =~ /^$re\$/\n" if ($debug && $dbg_undefined);
+ if ($names[$i] =~ $re) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($leave ne "others") {
+ my @expr = @{$leaf{$leave}->{expr}};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @names; $i++) {
- if ($found_string && $hint) {
- if (!$i) {
- print STDERR "--> $names[$i]\n";
- } else {
- print STDERR " $names[$i]\n";
- }
- }
foreach my $re (@expr) {
- print "$names[$i] =~ /^$re\$/\n" if ($debug && $dbg_undefined);
+ print STDERR "$names[$i] =~ /^$re\$/\n" if ($debug && $dbg_undefined);
if ($names[$i] =~ $re) {
- $exact = 1;
- last;
+ return;
- last if ($exact);
- next if ($exact);
+ }
+ push @not_found, $file if (!$search_string || $found_string);
+ if ($hint && (!$search_string || $found_string)) {
+ my $what = $leaf{$leave}->{what};
+ $what =~ s/\xac/\n\t/g;
if ($leave ne "others") {
- my @expr = @{$leaf{$leave}->{expr}};
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @names; $i++) {
- foreach my $re (@expr) {
- print "$names[$i] =~ /^$re\$/\n" if ($debug && $dbg_undefined);
- if ($names[$i] =~ $re) {
- $exact = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- last if ($exact);
- }
- last if ($exact);
+ print STDERR "\r more likely regexes:\n\t$what\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "\r tested regexes:\n\t$what\n";
- next if ($exact);
+ }
- print "$file not found.\n" if (!$search_string || $found_string);
+sub check_undefined_symbols {
+ my $num_files = scalar @files;
+ my $next_i = 0;
+ my $start_time = times;
- if ($hint && (!$search_string || $found_string)) {
- my $what = $leaf{$leave}->{what};
- $what =~ s/\xac/\n\t/g;
- if ($leave ne "others") {
- print STDERR " more likely regexes:\n\t$what\n";
- } else {
- print STDERR " tested regexes:\n\t$what\n";
- }
+ my $last_time = $start_time;
+ # When either debug or hint is enabled, there's no sense showing
+ # progress, as the progress will be overriden.
+ if ($hint || ($debug && $dbg_undefined)) {
+ $next_i = $num_files;
+ }
+ my $is_console;
+ $is_console = 1 if (-t STDERR);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++) {
+ my $file_ref = $files[$i];
+ my @names = @{$$file_ref{"__name"}};
+ check_file($file_ref, \@names);
+ my $cur_time = times;
+ if ($i == $next_i || $cur_time > $last_time + 1) {
+ my $percent = $i * 100 / $num_files;
+ my $tm = $cur_time - $start_time;
+ my $time = sprintf "%d:%02d", int($tm), 60 * ($tm - int($tm));
+ printf STDERR "\33[2K\r", if ($is_console);
+ printf STDERR "%s: processing sysfs files... %i%%: $names[0]", $time, $percent;
+ printf STDERR "\n", if (!$is_console);
+ STDERR->flush();
+ $next_i = int (($percent + 1) * $num_files / 100);
+ $last_time = $cur_time;
+ my $cur_time = times;
+ my $tm = $cur_time - $start_time;
+ my $time = sprintf "%d:%02d", int($tm), 60 * ($tm - int($tm));
+ printf STDERR "\33[2K\r", if ($is_console);
+ printf STDERR "%s: processing sysfs files... done\n", $time;
+ foreach my $file (@not_found) {
+ print "$file not found.\n";
+ }
sub undefined_symbols {
+ print STDERR "Reading $sysfs_prefix directory contents...";
wanted =>\&parse_existing_sysfs,
preprocess =>\&dont_parse_special_attributes,
no_chdir => 1
}, $sysfs_prefix);
+ print STDERR "done.\n";
$leaf{"others"}->{what} = "";
+ print STDERR "Converting ABI What fields into regexes...";
foreach my $w (sort keys %data) {
foreach my $what (split /\xac/,$w) {
next if (!($what =~ m/^$sysfs_prefix/));
@@ -871,6 +922,8 @@ sub undefined_symbols {
my $abs_file = $aliases{$link};
graph_add_link($abs_file, $link);
+ print STDERR "done.\n";