// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
//! Kernel types.
use crate::init::{self, PinInit};
use core::{
marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned},
mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
/// Used to transfer ownership to and from foreign (non-Rust) languages.
/// Ownership is transferred from Rust to a foreign language by calling [`Self::into_foreign`] and
/// later may be transferred back to Rust by calling [`Self::from_foreign`].
/// This trait is meant to be used in cases when Rust objects are stored in C objects and
/// eventually "freed" back to Rust.
pub trait ForeignOwnable: Sized {
/// Type used to immutably borrow a value that is currently foreign-owned.
type Borrowed<'a>;
/// Type used to mutably borrow a value that is currently foreign-owned.
type BorrowedMut<'a>;
/// Converts a Rust-owned object to a foreign-owned one.
/// The foreign representation is a pointer to void. There are no guarantees for this pointer.
/// For example, it might be invalid, dangling or pointing to uninitialized memory. Using it in
/// any way except for [`from_foreign`], [`try_from_foreign`], [`borrow`], or [`borrow_mut`] can
/// result in undefined behavior.
/// [`from_foreign`]: Self::from_foreign
/// [`try_from_foreign`]: Self::try_from_foreign
/// [`borrow`]: Self::borrow
/// [`borrow_mut`]: Self::borrow_mut
fn into_foreign(self) -> *mut crate::ffi::c_void;
/// Converts a foreign-owned object back to a Rust-owned one.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointer must have been returned by a previous call to [`into_foreign`], and it
/// must not be passed to `from_foreign` more than once.
/// [`into_foreign`]: Self::into_foreign
unsafe fn from_foreign(ptr: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Self;
/// Tries to convert a foreign-owned object back to a Rust-owned one.
/// A convenience wrapper over [`ForeignOwnable::from_foreign`] that returns [`None`] if `ptr`
/// is null.
/// # Safety
/// `ptr` must either be null or satisfy the safety requirements for [`from_foreign`].
/// [`from_foreign`]: Self::from_foreign
unsafe fn try_from_foreign(ptr: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Option<Self> {
if ptr.is_null() {
} else {
// SAFETY: Since `ptr` is not null here, then `ptr` satisfies the safety requirements
// of `from_foreign` given the safety requirements of this function.
unsafe { Some(Self::from_foreign(ptr)) }
/// Borrows a foreign-owned object immutably.
/// This method provides a way to access a foreign-owned value from Rust immutably. It provides
/// you with exactly the same abilities as an `&Self` when the value is Rust-owned.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointer must have been returned by a previous call to [`into_foreign`], and if
/// the pointer is ever passed to [`from_foreign`], then that call must happen after the end of
/// the lifetime 'a.
/// [`into_foreign`]: Self::into_foreign
/// [`from_foreign`]: Self::from_foreign
unsafe fn borrow<'a>(ptr: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Self::Borrowed<'a>;
/// Borrows a foreign-owned object mutably.
/// This method provides a way to access a foreign-owned value from Rust mutably. It provides
/// you with exactly the same abilities as an `&mut Self` when the value is Rust-owned, except
/// that the address of the object must not be changed.
/// Note that for types like [`Arc`], an `&mut Arc<T>` only gives you immutable access to the
/// inner value, so this method also only provides immutable access in that case.
/// In the case of `Box<T>`, this method gives you the ability to modify the inner `T`, but it
/// does not let you change the box itself. That is, you cannot change which allocation the box
/// points at.
/// # Safety
/// The provided pointer must have been returned by a previous call to [`into_foreign`], and if
/// the pointer is ever passed to [`from_foreign`], then that call must happen after the end of
/// the lifetime 'a.
/// The lifetime 'a must not overlap with the lifetime of any other call to [`borrow`] or
/// `borrow_mut` on the same object.
/// [`into_foreign`]: Self::into_foreign
/// [`from_foreign`]: Self::from_foreign
/// [`borrow`]: Self::borrow
/// [`Arc`]: crate::sync::Arc
unsafe fn borrow_mut<'a>(ptr: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Self::BorrowedMut<'a>;
impl ForeignOwnable for () {
type Borrowed<'a> = ();
type BorrowedMut<'a> = ();
fn into_foreign(self) -> *mut crate::ffi::c_void {
unsafe fn from_foreign(_: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Self {}
unsafe fn borrow<'a>(_: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Self::Borrowed<'a> {}
unsafe fn borrow_mut<'a>(_: *mut crate::ffi::c_void) -> Self::BorrowedMut<'a> {}
/// Runs a cleanup function/closure when dropped.
/// The [`ScopeGuard::dismiss`] function prevents the cleanup function from running.
/// # Examples
/// In the example below, we have multiple exit paths and we want to log regardless of which one is
/// taken:
/// ```
/// # use kernel::types::ScopeGuard;
/// fn example1(arg: bool) {
/// let _log = ScopeGuard::new(|| pr_info!("example1 completed\n"));
/// if arg {
/// return;
/// }
/// pr_info!("Do something...\n");
/// }
/// # example1(false);
/// # example1(true);
/// ```
/// In the example below, we want to log the same message on all early exits but a different one on
/// the main exit path:
/// ```
/// # use kernel::types::ScopeGuard;
/// fn example2(arg: bool) {
/// let log = ScopeGuard::new(|| pr_info!("example2 returned early\n"));
/// if arg {
/// return;
/// }
/// // (Other early returns...)
/// log.dismiss();
/// pr_info!("example2 no early return\n");
/// }
/// # example2(false);
/// # example2(true);
/// ```
/// In the example below, we need a mutable object (the vector) to be accessible within the log
/// function, so we wrap it in the [`ScopeGuard`]:
/// ```
/// # use kernel::types::ScopeGuard;
/// fn example3(arg: bool) -> Result {
/// let mut vec =
/// ScopeGuard::new_with_data(KVec::new(), |v| pr_info!("vec had {} elements\n", v.len()));
/// vec.push(10u8, GFP_KERNEL)?;
/// if arg {
/// return Ok(());
/// }
/// vec.push(20u8, GFP_KERNEL)?;
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// # assert_eq!(example3(false), Ok(()));
/// # assert_eq!(example3(true), Ok(()));
/// ```
/// # Invariants
/// The value stored in the struct is nearly always `Some(_)`, except between
/// [`ScopeGuard::dismiss`] and [`ScopeGuard::drop`]: in this case, it will be `None` as the value
/// will have been returned to the caller. Since [`ScopeGuard::dismiss`] consumes the guard,
/// callers won't be able to use it anymore.
pub struct ScopeGuard<T, F: FnOnce(T)>(Option<(T, F)>);
impl<T, F: FnOnce(T)> ScopeGuard<T, F> {
/// Creates a new guarded object wrapping the given data and with the given cleanup function.
pub fn new_with_data(data: T, cleanup_func: F) -> Self {
// INVARIANT: The struct is being initialised with `Some(_)`.
Self(Some((data, cleanup_func)))
/// Prevents the cleanup function from running and returns the guarded data.
pub fn dismiss(mut self) -> T {
// INVARIANT: This is the exception case in the invariant; it is not visible to callers
// because this function consumes `self`.
impl ScopeGuard<(), fn(())> {
/// Creates a new guarded object with the given cleanup function.
pub fn new(cleanup: impl FnOnce()) -> ScopeGuard<(), impl FnOnce(())> {
ScopeGuard::new_with_data((), move |()| cleanup())
impl<T, F: FnOnce(T)> Deref for ScopeGuard<T, F> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
// The type invariants guarantee that `unwrap` will succeed.
impl<T, F: FnOnce(T)> DerefMut for ScopeGuard<T, F> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
// The type invariants guarantee that `unwrap` will succeed.
&mut self.0.as_mut().unwrap().0
impl<T, F: FnOnce(T)> Drop for ScopeGuard<T, F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Run the cleanup function if one is still present.
if let Some((data, cleanup)) = self.0.take() {
/// Stores an opaque value.
/// `Opaque<T>` is meant to be used with FFI objects that are never interpreted by Rust code.
/// It is used to wrap structs from the C side, like for example `Opaque<bindings::mutex>`.
/// It gets rid of all the usual assumptions that Rust has for a value:
/// * The value is allowed to be uninitialized (for example have invalid bit patterns: `3` for a
/// [`bool`]).
/// * The value is allowed to be mutated, when a `&Opaque<T>` exists on the Rust side.
/// * No uniqueness for mutable references: it is fine to have multiple `&mut Opaque<T>` point to
/// the same value.
/// * The value is not allowed to be shared with other threads (i.e. it is `!Sync`).
/// This has to be used for all values that the C side has access to, because it can't be ensured
/// that the C side is adhering to the usual constraints that Rust needs.
/// Using `Opaque<T>` allows to continue to use references on the Rust side even for values shared
/// with C.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![expect(unreachable_pub, clippy::disallowed_names)]
/// use kernel::types::Opaque;
/// # // Emulate a C struct binding which is from C, maybe uninitialized or not, only the C side
/// # // knows.
/// # mod bindings {
/// # pub struct Foo {
/// # pub val: u8,
/// # }
/// # }
/// // `foo.val` is assumed to be handled on the C side, so we use `Opaque` to wrap it.
/// pub struct Foo {
/// foo: Opaque<bindings::Foo>,
/// }
/// impl Foo {
/// pub fn get_val(&self) -> u8 {
/// let ptr = Opaque::get(&self.foo);
/// // SAFETY: `Self` is valid from C side.
/// unsafe { (*ptr).val }
/// }
/// }
/// // Create an instance of `Foo` with the `Opaque` wrapper.
/// let foo = Foo {
/// foo: Opaque::new(bindings::Foo { val: 0xdb }),
/// };
/// assert_eq!(foo.get_val(), 0xdb);
/// ```
pub struct Opaque<T> {
value: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>,
_pin: PhantomPinned,
impl<T> Opaque<T> {
/// Creates a new opaque value.
pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
Self {
value: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::new(value)),
_pin: PhantomPinned,
/// Creates an uninitialised value.
pub const fn uninit() -> Self {
Self {
value: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
_pin: PhantomPinned,
/// Create an opaque pin-initializer from the given pin-initializer.
pub fn pin_init(slot: impl PinInit<T>) -> impl PinInit<Self> {
Self::ffi_init(|ptr: *mut T| {
// - `ptr` is a valid pointer to uninitialized memory,
// - `slot` is not accessed on error; the call is infallible,
// - `slot` is pinned in memory.
let _ = unsafe { init::PinInit::<T>::__pinned_init(slot, ptr) };
/// Creates a pin-initializer from the given initializer closure.
/// The returned initializer calls the given closure with the pointer to the inner `T` of this
/// `Opaque`. Since this memory is uninitialized, the closure is not allowed to read from it.
/// This function is safe, because the `T` inside of an `Opaque` is allowed to be
/// uninitialized. Additionally, access to the inner `T` requires `unsafe`, so the caller needs
/// to verify at that point that the inner value is valid.
pub fn ffi_init(init_func: impl FnOnce(*mut T)) -> impl PinInit<Self> {
// SAFETY: We contain a `MaybeUninit`, so it is OK for the `init_func` to not fully
// initialize the `T`.
unsafe {
init::pin_init_from_closure::<_, ::core::convert::Infallible>(move |slot| {
/// Creates a fallible pin-initializer from the given initializer closure.
/// The returned initializer calls the given closure with the pointer to the inner `T` of this
/// `Opaque`. Since this memory is uninitialized, the closure is not allowed to read from it.
/// This function is safe, because the `T` inside of an `Opaque` is allowed to be
/// uninitialized. Additionally, access to the inner `T` requires `unsafe`, so the caller needs
/// to verify at that point that the inner value is valid.
pub fn try_ffi_init<E>(
init_func: impl FnOnce(*mut T) -> Result<(), E>,
) -> impl PinInit<Self, E> {
// SAFETY: We contain a `MaybeUninit`, so it is OK for the `init_func` to not fully
// initialize the `T`.
unsafe { init::pin_init_from_closure::<_, E>(move |slot| init_func(Self::raw_get(slot))) }
/// Returns a raw pointer to the opaque data.
pub const fn get(&self) -> *mut T {
/// Gets the value behind `this`.
/// This function is useful to get access to the value without creating intermediate
/// references.
pub const fn raw_get(this: *const Self) -> *mut T {
/// Types that are _always_ reference counted.
/// It allows such types to define their own custom ref increment and decrement functions.
/// Additionally, it allows users to convert from a shared reference `&T` to an owned reference
/// [`ARef<T>`].
/// This is usually implemented by wrappers to existing structures on the C side of the code. For
/// Rust code, the recommendation is to use [`Arc`](crate::sync::Arc) to create reference-counted
/// instances of a type.
/// # Safety
/// Implementers must ensure that increments to the reference count keep the object alive in memory
/// at least until matching decrements are performed.
/// Implementers must also ensure that all instances are reference-counted. (Otherwise they
/// won't be able to honour the requirement that [`AlwaysRefCounted::inc_ref`] keep the object
/// alive.)
pub unsafe trait AlwaysRefCounted {
/// Increments the reference count on the object.
fn inc_ref(&self);
/// Decrements the reference count on the object.
/// Frees the object when the count reaches zero.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that there was a previous matching increment to the reference count,
/// and that the object is no longer used after its reference count is decremented (as it may
/// result in the object being freed), unless the caller owns another increment on the refcount
/// (e.g., it calls [`AlwaysRefCounted::inc_ref`] twice, then calls
/// [`AlwaysRefCounted::dec_ref`] once).
unsafe fn dec_ref(obj: NonNull<Self>);
/// An owned reference to an always-reference-counted object.
/// The object's reference count is automatically decremented when an instance of [`ARef`] is
/// dropped. It is also automatically incremented when a new instance is created via
/// [`ARef::clone`].
/// # Invariants
/// The pointer stored in `ptr` is non-null and valid for the lifetime of the [`ARef`] instance. In
/// particular, the [`ARef`] instance owns an increment on the underlying object's reference count.
pub struct ARef<T: AlwaysRefCounted> {
ptr: NonNull<T>,
_p: PhantomData<T>,
// SAFETY: It is safe to send `ARef<T>` to another thread when the underlying `T` is `Sync` because
// it effectively means sharing `&T` (which is safe because `T` is `Sync`); additionally, it needs
// `T` to be `Send` because any thread that has an `ARef<T>` may ultimately access `T` using a
// mutable reference, for example, when the reference count reaches zero and `T` is dropped.
unsafe impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted + Sync + Send> Send for ARef<T> {}
// SAFETY: It is safe to send `&ARef<T>` to another thread when the underlying `T` is `Sync`
// because it effectively means sharing `&T` (which is safe because `T` is `Sync`); additionally,
// it needs `T` to be `Send` because any thread that has a `&ARef<T>` may clone it and get an
// `ARef<T>` on that thread, so the thread may ultimately access `T` using a mutable reference, for
// example, when the reference count reaches zero and `T` is dropped.
unsafe impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted + Sync + Send> Sync for ARef<T> {}
impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted> ARef<T> {
/// Creates a new instance of [`ARef`].
/// It takes over an increment of the reference count on the underlying object.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that the reference count was incremented at least once, and that they
/// are properly relinquishing one increment. That is, if there is only one increment, callers
/// must not use the underlying object anymore -- it is only safe to do so via the newly
/// created [`ARef`].
pub unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<T>) -> Self {
// INVARIANT: The safety requirements guarantee that the new instance now owns the
// increment on the refcount.
Self {
_p: PhantomData,
/// Consumes the `ARef`, returning a raw pointer.
/// This function does not change the refcount. After calling this function, the caller is
/// responsible for the refcount previously managed by the `ARef`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use core::ptr::NonNull;
/// use kernel::types::{ARef, AlwaysRefCounted};
/// struct Empty {}
/// # // SAFETY: TODO.
/// unsafe impl AlwaysRefCounted for Empty {
/// fn inc_ref(&self) {}
/// unsafe fn dec_ref(_obj: NonNull<Self>) {}
/// }
/// let mut data = Empty {};
/// let ptr = NonNull::<Empty>::new(&mut data).unwrap();
/// # // SAFETY: TODO.
/// let data_ref: ARef<Empty> = unsafe { ARef::from_raw(ptr) };
/// let raw_ptr: NonNull<Empty> = ARef::into_raw(data_ref);
/// assert_eq!(ptr, raw_ptr);
/// ```
pub fn into_raw(me: Self) -> NonNull<T> {
impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted> Clone for ARef<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// SAFETY: We just incremented the refcount above.
unsafe { Self::from_raw(self.ptr) }
impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted> Deref for ARef<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
// SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that the object is valid.
unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }
impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted> From<&T> for ARef<T> {
fn from(b: &T) -> Self {
// SAFETY: We just incremented the refcount above.
unsafe { Self::from_raw(NonNull::from(b)) }
impl<T: AlwaysRefCounted> Drop for ARef<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that the `ARef` owns the reference we're about to
// decrement.
unsafe { T::dec_ref(self.ptr) };
/// A sum type that always holds either a value of type `L` or `R`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use kernel::types::Either;
/// let left_value: Either<i32, &str> = Either::Left(7);
/// let right_value: Either<i32, &str> = Either::Right("right value");
/// ```
pub enum Either<L, R> {
/// Constructs an instance of [`Either`] containing a value of type `L`.
/// Constructs an instance of [`Either`] containing a value of type `R`.
/// Zero-sized type to mark types not [`Send`].
/// Add this type as a field to your struct if your type should not be sent to a different task.
/// Since [`Send`] is an auto trait, adding a single field that is `!Send` will ensure that the
/// whole type is `!Send`.
/// If a type is `!Send` it is impossible to give control over an instance of the type to another
/// task. This is useful to include in types that store or reference task-local information. A file
/// descriptor is an example of such task-local information.
/// This type also makes the type `!Sync`, which prevents immutable access to the value from
/// several threads in parallel.
pub type NotThreadSafe = PhantomData<*mut ()>;
/// Used to construct instances of type [`NotThreadSafe`] similar to how `PhantomData` is
/// constructed.
/// [`NotThreadSafe`]: type@NotThreadSafe
pub const NotThreadSafe: NotThreadSafe = PhantomData;