// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <errno.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sched.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/eventfd.h> #include <linux/err.h> #include <linux/in.h> #include <linux/in6.h> #include <linux/limits.h> #include <linux/ip.h> #include <netinet/udp.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <net/if.h> #include "bpf_util.h" #include "network_helpers.h" #include "test_progs.h" #ifdef TRAFFIC_MONITOR /* Prevent pcap.h from including pcap/bpf.h and causing conflicts */ #define PCAP_DONT_INCLUDE_PCAP_BPF_H 1 #include <pcap/pcap.h> #include <pcap/dlt.h> #endif #ifndef IPPROTO_MPTCP #define IPPROTO_MPTCP 262 #endif #define clean_errno() (errno == 0 ? "None" : strerror(errno)) #define log_err(MSG, ...) ({ \ int __save = errno; \ fprintf(stderr, "(%s:%d: errno: %s) " MSG "\n", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, clean_errno(), \ ##__VA_ARGS__); \ errno = __save; \ }) struct ipv4_packet pkt_v4 = { .eth.h_proto = __bpf_constant_htons(ETH_P_IP), .iph.ihl = 5, .iph.protocol = IPPROTO_TCP, .iph.tot_len = __bpf_constant_htons(MAGIC_BYTES), .tcp.urg_ptr = 123, .tcp.doff = 5, }; struct ipv6_packet pkt_v6 = { .eth.h_proto = __bpf_constant_htons(ETH_P_IPV6), .iph.nexthdr = IPPROTO_TCP, .iph.payload_len = __bpf_constant_htons(MAGIC_BYTES), .tcp.urg_ptr = 123, .tcp.doff = 5, }; static const struct network_helper_opts default_opts; int settimeo(int fd, int timeout_ms) { struct timeval timeout = { .tv_sec = 3 }; if (timeout_ms > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = timeout_ms / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (timeout_ms % 1000) * 1000; } if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout))) { log_err("Failed to set SO_RCVTIMEO"); return -1; } if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout))) { log_err("Failed to set SO_SNDTIMEO"); return -1; } return 0; } #define save_errno_close(fd) ({ int __save = errno; close(fd); errno = __save; }) int start_server_addr(int type, const struct sockaddr_storage *addr, socklen_t addrlen, const struct network_helper_opts *opts) { int fd; if (!opts) opts = &default_opts; fd = socket(addr->ss_family, type, opts->proto); if (fd < 0) { log_err("Failed to create server socket"); return -1; } if (settimeo(fd, opts->timeout_ms)) goto error_close; if (opts->post_socket_cb && opts->post_socket_cb(fd, opts->cb_opts)) { log_err("Failed to call post_socket_cb"); goto error_close; } if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, addrlen) < 0) { log_err("Failed to bind socket"); goto error_close; } if (type == SOCK_STREAM) { if (listen(fd, opts->backlog ? MAX(opts->backlog, 0) : 1) < 0) { log_err("Failed to listed on socket"); goto error_close; } } return fd; error_close: save_errno_close(fd); return -1; } int start_server_str(int family, int type, const char *addr_str, __u16 port, const struct network_helper_opts *opts) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen; if (!opts) opts = &default_opts; if (make_sockaddr(family, addr_str, port, &addr, &addrlen)) return -1; return start_server_addr(type, &addr, addrlen, opts); } int start_server(int family, int type, const char *addr_str, __u16 port, int timeout_ms) { struct network_helper_opts opts = { .timeout_ms = timeout_ms, }; return start_server_str(family, type, addr_str, port, &opts); } static int reuseport_cb(int fd, void *opts) { int on = 1; return setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &on, sizeof(on)); } int *start_reuseport_server(int family, int type, const char *addr_str, __u16 port, int timeout_ms, unsigned int nr_listens) { struct network_helper_opts opts = { .timeout_ms = timeout_ms, .post_socket_cb = reuseport_cb, }; struct sockaddr_storage addr; unsigned int nr_fds = 0; socklen_t addrlen; int *fds; if (!nr_listens) return NULL; if (make_sockaddr(family, addr_str, port, &addr, &addrlen)) return NULL; fds = malloc(sizeof(*fds) * nr_listens); if (!fds) return NULL; fds[0] = start_server_addr(type, &addr, addrlen, &opts); if (fds[0] == -1) goto close_fds; nr_fds = 1; if (getsockname(fds[0], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen)) goto close_fds; for (; nr_fds < nr_listens; nr_fds++) { fds[nr_fds] = start_server_addr(type, &addr, addrlen, &opts); if (fds[nr_fds] == -1) goto close_fds; } return fds; close_fds: free_fds(fds, nr_fds); return NULL; } void free_fds(int *fds, unsigned int nr_close_fds) { if (fds) { while (nr_close_fds) close(fds[--nr_close_fds]); free(fds); } } int fastopen_connect(int server_fd, const char *data, unsigned int data_len, int timeout_ms) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); struct sockaddr_in *addr_in; int fd, ret; if (getsockname(server_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen)) { log_err("Failed to get server addr"); return -1; } addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)&addr; fd = socket(addr_in->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { log_err("Failed to create client socket"); return -1; } if (settimeo(fd, timeout_ms)) goto error_close; ret = sendto(fd, data, data_len, MSG_FASTOPEN, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, addrlen); if (ret != data_len) { log_err("sendto(data, %u) != %d\n", data_len, ret); goto error_close; } return fd; error_close: save_errno_close(fd); return -1; } int client_socket(int family, int type, const struct network_helper_opts *opts) { int fd; if (!opts) opts = &default_opts; fd = socket(family, type, opts->proto); if (fd < 0) { log_err("Failed to create client socket"); return -1; } if (settimeo(fd, opts->timeout_ms)) goto error_close; if (opts->post_socket_cb && opts->post_socket_cb(fd, opts->cb_opts)) goto error_close; return fd; error_close: save_errno_close(fd); return -1; } int connect_to_addr(int type, const struct sockaddr_storage *addr, socklen_t addrlen, const struct network_helper_opts *opts) { int fd; if (!opts) opts = &default_opts; fd = client_socket(addr->ss_family, type, opts); if (fd < 0) { log_err("Failed to create client socket"); return -1; } if (connect(fd, (const struct sockaddr *)addr, addrlen)) { log_err("Failed to connect to server"); save_errno_close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } int connect_to_addr_str(int family, int type, const char *addr_str, __u16 port, const struct network_helper_opts *opts) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen; if (!opts) opts = &default_opts; if (make_sockaddr(family, addr_str, port, &addr, &addrlen)) return -1; return connect_to_addr(type, &addr, addrlen, opts); } int connect_to_fd_opts(int server_fd, const struct network_helper_opts *opts) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen, optlen; int type; if (!opts) opts = &default_opts; optlen = sizeof(type); if (getsockopt(server_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &type, &optlen)) { log_err("getsockopt(SOL_TYPE)"); return -1; } addrlen = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(server_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen)) { log_err("Failed to get server addr"); return -1; } return connect_to_addr(type, &addr, addrlen, opts); } int connect_to_fd(int server_fd, int timeout_ms) { struct network_helper_opts opts = { .timeout_ms = timeout_ms, }; socklen_t optlen; int protocol; optlen = sizeof(protocol); if (getsockopt(server_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PROTOCOL, &protocol, &optlen)) { log_err("getsockopt(SOL_PROTOCOL)"); return -1; } opts.proto = protocol; return connect_to_fd_opts(server_fd, &opts); } int connect_fd_to_fd(int client_fd, int server_fd, int timeout_ms) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t len = sizeof(addr); if (settimeo(client_fd, timeout_ms)) return -1; if (getsockname(server_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &len)) { log_err("Failed to get server addr"); return -1; } if (connect(client_fd, (const struct sockaddr *)&addr, len)) { log_err("Failed to connect to server"); return -1; } return 0; } int make_sockaddr(int family, const char *addr_str, __u16 port, struct sockaddr_storage *addr, socklen_t *len) { if (family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = (void *)addr; memset(addr, 0, sizeof(*sin)); sin->sin_family = AF_INET; sin->sin_port = htons(port); if (addr_str && inet_pton(AF_INET, addr_str, &sin->sin_addr) != 1) { log_err("inet_pton(AF_INET, %s)", addr_str); return -1; } if (len) *len = sizeof(*sin); return 0; } else if (family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (void *)addr; memset(addr, 0, sizeof(*sin6)); sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6->sin6_port = htons(port); if (addr_str && inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr_str, &sin6->sin6_addr) != 1) { log_err("inet_pton(AF_INET6, %s)", addr_str); return -1; } if (len) *len = sizeof(*sin6); return 0; } else if (family == AF_UNIX) { /* Note that we always use abstract unix sockets to avoid having * to clean up leftover files. */ struct sockaddr_un *sun = (void *)addr; memset(addr, 0, sizeof(*sun)); sun->sun_family = family; sun->sun_path[0] = 0; strcpy(sun->sun_path + 1, addr_str); if (len) *len = offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + 1 + strlen(addr_str); return 0; } return -1; } char *ping_command(int family) { if (family == AF_INET6) { /* On some systems 'ping' doesn't support IPv6, so use ping6 if it is present. */ if (!system("which ping6 >/dev/null 2>&1")) return "ping6"; else return "ping -6"; } return "ping"; } int remove_netns(const char *name) { char *cmd; int r; r = asprintf(&cmd, "ip netns del %s >/dev/null 2>&1", name); if (r < 0) { log_err("Failed to malloc cmd"); return -1; } r = system(cmd); free(cmd); return r; } int make_netns(const char *name) { char *cmd; int r; r = asprintf(&cmd, "ip netns add %s", name); if (r < 0) { log_err("Failed to malloc cmd"); return -1; } r = system(cmd); free(cmd); if (r) return r; r = asprintf(&cmd, "ip -n %s link set lo up", name); if (r < 0) { log_err("Failed to malloc cmd for setting up lo"); remove_netns(name); return -1; } r = system(cmd); free(cmd); return r; } struct nstoken { int orig_netns_fd; }; struct nstoken *open_netns(const char *name) { int nsfd; char nspath[PATH_MAX]; int err; struct nstoken *token; token = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nstoken)); if (!token) { log_err("Failed to malloc token"); return NULL; } token->orig_netns_fd = open("/proc/self/ns/net", O_RDONLY); if (token->orig_netns_fd == -1) { log_err("Failed to open(/proc/self/ns/net)"); goto fail; } snprintf(nspath, sizeof(nspath), "%s/%s", "/var/run/netns", name); nsfd = open(nspath, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (nsfd == -1) { log_err("Failed to open(%s)", nspath); goto fail; } err = setns(nsfd, CLONE_NEWNET); close(nsfd); if (err) { log_err("Failed to setns(nsfd)"); goto fail; } return token; fail: if (token->orig_netns_fd != -1) close(token->orig_netns_fd); free(token); return NULL; } void close_netns(struct nstoken *token) { if (!token) return; if (setns(token->orig_netns_fd, CLONE_NEWNET)) log_err("Failed to setns(orig_netns_fd)"); close(token->orig_netns_fd); free(token); } int get_socket_local_port(int sock_fd) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); int err; err = getsockname(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen); if (err < 0) return err; if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&addr; return sin->sin_port; } else if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sin = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&addr; return sin->sin6_port; } return -1; } int get_hw_ring_size(char *ifname, struct ethtool_ringparam *ring_param) { struct ifreq ifr = {0}; int sockfd, err; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) return -errno; memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)); ring_param->cmd = ETHTOOL_GRINGPARAM; ifr.ifr_data = (char *)ring_param; if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) < 0) { err = errno; close(sockfd); return -err; } close(sockfd); return 0; } int set_hw_ring_size(char *ifname, struct ethtool_ringparam *ring_param) { struct ifreq ifr = {0}; int sockfd, err; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) return -errno; memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)); ring_param->cmd = ETHTOOL_SRINGPARAM; ifr.ifr_data = (char *)ring_param; if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) < 0) { err = errno; close(sockfd); return -err; } close(sockfd); return 0; } struct send_recv_arg { int fd; uint32_t bytes; int stop; }; static void *send_recv_server(void *arg) { struct send_recv_arg *a = (struct send_recv_arg *)arg; ssize_t nr_sent = 0, bytes = 0; char batch[1500]; int err = 0, fd; fd = accept(a->fd, NULL, NULL); while (fd == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; err = -errno; goto done; } if (settimeo(fd, 0)) { err = -errno; goto done; } while (bytes < a->bytes && !READ_ONCE(a->stop)) { nr_sent = send(fd, &batch, MIN(a->bytes - bytes, sizeof(batch)), 0); if (nr_sent == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (nr_sent == -1) { err = -errno; break; } bytes += nr_sent; } if (bytes != a->bytes) { log_err("send %zd expected %u", bytes, a->bytes); if (!err) err = bytes > a->bytes ? -E2BIG : -EINTR; } done: if (fd >= 0) close(fd); if (err) { WRITE_ONCE(a->stop, 1); return ERR_PTR(err); } return NULL; } int send_recv_data(int lfd, int fd, uint32_t total_bytes) { ssize_t nr_recv = 0, bytes = 0; struct send_recv_arg arg = { .fd = lfd, .bytes = total_bytes, .stop = 0, }; pthread_t srv_thread; void *thread_ret; char batch[1500]; int err = 0; err = pthread_create(&srv_thread, NULL, send_recv_server, (void *)&arg); if (err) { log_err("Failed to pthread_create"); return err; } /* recv total_bytes */ while (bytes < total_bytes && !READ_ONCE(arg.stop)) { nr_recv = recv(fd, &batch, MIN(total_bytes - bytes, sizeof(batch)), 0); if (nr_recv == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (nr_recv == -1) { err = -errno; break; } bytes += nr_recv; } if (bytes != total_bytes) { log_err("recv %zd expected %u", bytes, total_bytes); if (!err) err = bytes > total_bytes ? -E2BIG : -EINTR; } WRITE_ONCE(arg.stop, 1); pthread_join(srv_thread, &thread_ret); if (IS_ERR(thread_ret)) { log_err("Failed in thread_ret %ld", PTR_ERR(thread_ret)); err = err ? : PTR_ERR(thread_ret); } return err; } #ifdef TRAFFIC_MONITOR struct tmonitor_ctx { pcap_t *pcap; pcap_dumper_t *dumper; pthread_t thread; int wake_fd; volatile bool done; char pkt_fname[PATH_MAX]; int pcap_fd; }; /* Is this packet captured with a Ethernet protocol type? */ static bool is_ethernet(const u_char *packet) { u16 arphdr_type; memcpy(&arphdr_type, packet + 8, 2); arphdr_type = ntohs(arphdr_type); /* Except the following cases, the protocol type contains the * Ethernet protocol type for the packet. * * https://www.tcpdump.org/linktypes/LINKTYPE_LINUX_SLL2.html */ switch (arphdr_type) { case 770: /* ARPHRD_FRAD */ case 778: /* ARPHDR_IPGRE */ case 803: /* ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP */ printf("Packet captured: arphdr_type=%d\n", arphdr_type); return false; } return true; } static const char * const pkt_types[] = { "In", "B", /* Broadcast */ "M", /* Multicast */ "C", /* Captured with the promiscuous mode */ "Out", }; static const char *pkt_type_str(u16 pkt_type) { if (pkt_type < ARRAY_SIZE(pkt_types)) return pkt_types[pkt_type]; return "Unknown"; } /* Show the information of the transport layer in the packet */ static void show_transport(const u_char *packet, u16 len, u32 ifindex, const char *src_addr, const char *dst_addr, u16 proto, bool ipv6, u8 pkt_type) { char *ifname, _ifname[IF_NAMESIZE]; const char *transport_str; u16 src_port, dst_port; struct udphdr *udp; struct tcphdr *tcp; ifname = if_indextoname(ifindex, _ifname); if (!ifname) { snprintf(_ifname, sizeof(_ifname), "unknown(%d)", ifindex); ifname = _ifname; } if (proto == IPPROTO_UDP) { udp = (struct udphdr *)packet; src_port = ntohs(udp->source); dst_port = ntohs(udp->dest); transport_str = "UDP"; } else if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP) { tcp = (struct tcphdr *)packet; src_port = ntohs(tcp->source); dst_port = ntohs(tcp->dest); transport_str = "TCP"; } else if (proto == IPPROTO_ICMP) { printf("%-7s %-3s IPv4 %s > %s: ICMP, length %d, type %d, code %d\n", ifname, pkt_type_str(pkt_type), src_addr, dst_addr, len, packet[0], packet[1]); return; } else if (proto == IPPROTO_ICMPV6) { printf("%-7s %-3s IPv6 %s > %s: ICMPv6, length %d, type %d, code %d\n", ifname, pkt_type_str(pkt_type), src_addr, dst_addr, len, packet[0], packet[1]); return; } else { printf("%-7s %-3s %s %s > %s: protocol %d\n", ifname, pkt_type_str(pkt_type), ipv6 ? "IPv6" : "IPv4", src_addr, dst_addr, proto); return; } /* TCP or UDP*/ flockfile(stdout); if (ipv6) printf("%-7s %-3s IPv6 %s.%d > %s.%d: %s, length %d", ifname, pkt_type_str(pkt_type), src_addr, src_port, dst_addr, dst_port, transport_str, len); else printf("%-7s %-3s IPv4 %s:%d > %s:%d: %s, length %d", ifname, pkt_type_str(pkt_type), src_addr, src_port, dst_addr, dst_port, transport_str, len); if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP) { if (tcp->fin) printf(", FIN"); if (tcp->syn) printf(", SYN"); if (tcp->rst) printf(", RST"); if (tcp->ack) printf(", ACK"); } printf("\n"); funlockfile(stdout); } static void show_ipv6_packet(const u_char *packet, u32 ifindex, u8 pkt_type) { char src_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct ipv6hdr *pkt = (struct ipv6hdr *)packet; const char *src, *dst; u_char proto; src = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pkt->saddr, src_buf, sizeof(src_buf)); if (!src) src = "<invalid>"; dst = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pkt->daddr, dst_buf, sizeof(dst_buf)); if (!dst) dst = "<invalid>"; proto = pkt->nexthdr; show_transport(packet + sizeof(struct ipv6hdr), ntohs(pkt->payload_len), ifindex, src, dst, proto, true, pkt_type); } static void show_ipv4_packet(const u_char *packet, u32 ifindex, u8 pkt_type) { char src_buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN], dst_buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct iphdr *pkt = (struct iphdr *)packet; const char *src, *dst; u_char proto; src = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pkt->saddr, src_buf, sizeof(src_buf)); if (!src) src = "<invalid>"; dst = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pkt->daddr, dst_buf, sizeof(dst_buf)); if (!dst) dst = "<invalid>"; proto = pkt->protocol; show_transport(packet + sizeof(struct iphdr), ntohs(pkt->tot_len), ifindex, src, dst, proto, false, pkt_type); } static void *traffic_monitor_thread(void *arg) { char *ifname, _ifname[IF_NAMESIZE]; const u_char *packet, *payload; struct tmonitor_ctx *ctx = arg; pcap_dumper_t *dumper = ctx->dumper; int fd = ctx->pcap_fd, nfds, r; int wake_fd = ctx->wake_fd; struct pcap_pkthdr header; pcap_t *pcap = ctx->pcap; u32 ifindex; fd_set fds; u16 proto; u8 ptype; nfds = (fd > wake_fd ? fd : wake_fd) + 1; FD_ZERO(&fds); while (!ctx->done) { FD_SET(fd, &fds); FD_SET(wake_fd, &fds); r = select(nfds, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!r) continue; if (r < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; log_err("Fail to select on pcap fd and wake fd"); break; } /* This instance of pcap is non-blocking */ packet = pcap_next(pcap, &header); if (!packet) continue; /* According to the man page of pcap_dump(), first argument * is the pcap_dumper_t pointer even it's argument type is * u_char *. */ pcap_dump((u_char *)dumper, &header, packet); /* Not sure what other types of packets look like. Here, we * parse only Ethernet and compatible packets. */ if (!is_ethernet(packet)) continue; /* Skip SLL2 header * https://www.tcpdump.org/linktypes/LINKTYPE_LINUX_SLL2.html * * Although the document doesn't mention that, the payload * doesn't include the Ethernet header. The payload starts * from the first byte of the network layer header. */ payload = packet + 20; memcpy(&proto, packet, 2); proto = ntohs(proto); memcpy(&ifindex, packet + 4, 4); ifindex = ntohl(ifindex); ptype = packet[10]; if (proto == ETH_P_IPV6) { show_ipv6_packet(payload, ifindex, ptype); } else if (proto == ETH_P_IP) { show_ipv4_packet(payload, ifindex, ptype); } else { ifname = if_indextoname(ifindex, _ifname); if (!ifname) { snprintf(_ifname, sizeof(_ifname), "unknown(%d)", ifindex); ifname = _ifname; } printf("%-7s %-3s Unknown network protocol type 0x%x\n", ifname, pkt_type_str(ptype), proto); } } return NULL; } /* Prepare the pcap handle to capture packets. * * This pcap is non-blocking and immediate mode is enabled to receive * captured packets as soon as possible. The snaplen is set to 1024 bytes * to limit the size of captured content. The format of the link-layer * header is set to DLT_LINUX_SLL2 to enable handling various link-layer * technologies. */ static pcap_t *traffic_monitor_prepare_pcap(void) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; pcap_t *pcap; int r; /* Listen on all NICs in the namespace */ pcap = pcap_create("any", errbuf); if (!pcap) { log_err("Failed to open pcap: %s", errbuf); return NULL; } /* Limit the size of the packet (first N bytes) */ r = pcap_set_snaplen(pcap, 1024); if (r) { log_err("Failed to set snaplen: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap)); goto error; } /* To receive packets as fast as possible */ r = pcap_set_immediate_mode(pcap, 1); if (r) { log_err("Failed to set immediate mode: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap)); goto error; } r = pcap_setnonblock(pcap, 1, errbuf); if (r) { log_err("Failed to set nonblock: %s", errbuf); goto error; } r = pcap_activate(pcap); if (r) { log_err("Failed to activate pcap: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap)); goto error; } /* Determine the format of the link-layer header */ r = pcap_set_datalink(pcap, DLT_LINUX_SLL2); if (r) { log_err("Failed to set datalink: %s", pcap_geterr(pcap)); goto error; } return pcap; error: pcap_close(pcap); return NULL; } static void encode_test_name(char *buf, size_t len, const char *test_name, const char *subtest_name) { char *p; if (subtest_name) snprintf(buf, len, "%s__%s", test_name, subtest_name); else snprintf(buf, len, "%s", test_name); while ((p = strchr(buf, '/'))) *p = '_'; while ((p = strchr(buf, ' '))) *p = '_'; } #define PCAP_DIR "/tmp/tmon_pcap" /* Start to monitor the network traffic in the given network namespace. * * netns: the name of the network namespace to monitor. If NULL, the * current network namespace is monitored. * test_name: the name of the running test. * subtest_name: the name of the running subtest if there is. It should be * NULL if it is not a subtest. * * This function will start a thread to capture packets going through NICs * in the give network namespace. */ struct tmonitor_ctx *traffic_monitor_start(const char *netns, const char *test_name, const char *subtest_name) { struct nstoken *nstoken = NULL; struct tmonitor_ctx *ctx; char test_name_buf[64]; static int tmon_seq; int r; if (netns) { nstoken = open_netns(netns); if (!nstoken) return NULL; } ctx = malloc(sizeof(*ctx)); if (!ctx) { log_err("Failed to malloc ctx"); goto fail_ctx; } memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); encode_test_name(test_name_buf, sizeof(test_name_buf), test_name, subtest_name); snprintf(ctx->pkt_fname, sizeof(ctx->pkt_fname), PCAP_DIR "/packets-%d-%d-%s-%s.log", getpid(), tmon_seq++, test_name_buf, netns ? netns : "unknown"); r = mkdir(PCAP_DIR, 0755); if (r && errno != EEXIST) { log_err("Failed to create " PCAP_DIR); goto fail_pcap; } ctx->pcap = traffic_monitor_prepare_pcap(); if (!ctx->pcap) goto fail_pcap; ctx->pcap_fd = pcap_get_selectable_fd(ctx->pcap); if (ctx->pcap_fd < 0) { log_err("Failed to get pcap fd"); goto fail_dumper; } /* Create a packet file */ ctx->dumper = pcap_dump_open(ctx->pcap, ctx->pkt_fname); if (!ctx->dumper) { log_err("Failed to open pcap dump: %s", ctx->pkt_fname); goto fail_dumper; } /* Create an eventfd to wake up the monitor thread */ ctx->wake_fd = eventfd(0, 0); if (ctx->wake_fd < 0) { log_err("Failed to create eventfd"); goto fail_eventfd; } r = pthread_create(&ctx->thread, NULL, traffic_monitor_thread, ctx); if (r) { log_err("Failed to create thread"); goto fail; } close_netns(nstoken); return ctx; fail: close(ctx->wake_fd); fail_eventfd: pcap_dump_close(ctx->dumper); unlink(ctx->pkt_fname); fail_dumper: pcap_close(ctx->pcap); fail_pcap: free(ctx); fail_ctx: close_netns(nstoken); return NULL; } static void traffic_monitor_release(struct tmonitor_ctx *ctx) { pcap_close(ctx->pcap); pcap_dump_close(ctx->dumper); close(ctx->wake_fd); free(ctx); } /* Stop the network traffic monitor. * * ctx: the context returned by traffic_monitor_start() */ void traffic_monitor_stop(struct tmonitor_ctx *ctx) { __u64 w = 1; if (!ctx) return; /* Stop the monitor thread */ ctx->done = true; /* Wake up the background thread. */ write(ctx->wake_fd, &w, sizeof(w)); pthread_join(ctx->thread, NULL); printf("Packet file: %s\n", strrchr(ctx->pkt_fname, '/') + 1); traffic_monitor_release(ctx); } #endif /* TRAFFIC_MONITOR */