/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* * Microchip KSZ8XXX series register definitions * * The base for these definitions is KSZ8795 but unless indicated * differently by their prefix, they apply to all KSZ8 series * devices. Registers and masks that do change are defined in * dedicated structures in ksz_common.c. * * Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. * Tristram Ha <Tristram.Ha@microchip.com> */ #ifndef __KSZ8_REG_H #define __KSZ8_REG_H #define KS_PORT_M 0x1F #define KS_PRIO_M 0x3 #define KS_PRIO_S 2 #define SW_REVISION_M 0x0E #define SW_REVISION_S 1 #define KSZ8863_REG_SW_RESET 0x43 #define KSZ8863_GLOBAL_SOFTWARE_RESET BIT(4) #define KSZ8863_PCS_RESET BIT(0) #define KSZ88X3_REG_FVID_AND_HOST_MODE 0xC6 #define KSZ88X3_PORT3_RMII_CLK_INTERNAL BIT(3) #define REG_SW_CTRL_0 0x02 #define SW_NEW_BACKOFF BIT(7) #define SW_GLOBAL_RESET BIT(6) #define SW_FLUSH_DYN_MAC_TABLE BIT(5) #define SW_FLUSH_STA_MAC_TABLE BIT(4) #define SW_LINK_AUTO_AGING BIT(0) #define REG_SW_CTRL_1 0x03 #define SW_HUGE_PACKET BIT(6) #define SW_TX_FLOW_CTRL_DISABLE BIT(5) #define SW_RX_FLOW_CTRL_DISABLE BIT(4) #define SW_CHECK_LENGTH BIT(3) #define SW_AGING_ENABLE BIT(2) #define SW_FAST_AGING BIT(1) #define SW_AGGR_BACKOFF BIT(0) #define REG_SW_CTRL_2 0x04 #define UNICAST_VLAN_BOUNDARY BIT(7) #define SW_BACK_PRESSURE BIT(5) #define FAIR_FLOW_CTRL BIT(4) #define NO_EXC_COLLISION_DROP BIT(3) #define SW_LEGAL_PACKET_DISABLE BIT(1) #define KSZ8863_HUGE_PACKET_ENABLE BIT(2) #define KSZ8863_LEGAL_PACKET_ENABLE BIT(1) #define REG_SW_CTRL_3 0x05 #define WEIGHTED_FAIR_QUEUE_ENABLE BIT(3) #define SW_VLAN_ENABLE BIT(7) #define SW_IGMP_SNOOP BIT(6) #define SW_MIRROR_RX_TX BIT(0) #define REG_SW_CTRL_4 0x06 #define SW_HALF_DUPLEX_FLOW_CTRL BIT(7) #define SW_HALF_DUPLEX BIT(6) #define SW_FLOW_CTRL BIT(5) #define SW_10_MBIT BIT(4) #define SW_REPLACE_VID BIT(3) #define REG_SW_CTRL_5 0x07 #define REG_SW_CTRL_6 0x08 #define SW_MIB_COUNTER_FLUSH BIT(7) #define SW_MIB_COUNTER_FREEZE BIT(6) #define SW_MIB_COUNTER_CTRL_ENABLE KS_PORT_M #define REG_SW_CTRL_9 0x0B #define SPI_CLK_125_MHZ 0x80 #define SPI_CLK_62_5_MHZ 0x40 #define SPI_CLK_31_25_MHZ 0x00 #define SW_LED_MODE_M 0x3 #define SW_LED_MODE_S 4 #define SW_LED_LINK_ACT_SPEED 0 #define SW_LED_LINK_ACT 1 #define SW_LED_LINK_ACT_DUPLEX 2 #define SW_LED_LINK_DUPLEX 3 #define REG_SW_CTRL_10 0x0C #define SW_PASS_PAUSE BIT(0) #define REG_SW_CTRL_11 0x0D #define REG_POWER_MANAGEMENT_1 0x0E #define SW_PLL_POWER_DOWN BIT(5) #define SW_POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODE_M 0x3 #define SW_POWER_MANAGEMENT_MODE_S 3 #define SW_POWER_NORMAL 0 #define SW_ENERGY_DETECTION 1 #define SW_SOFTWARE_POWER_DOWN 2 #define REG_POWER_MANAGEMENT_2 0x0F #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_0 0x10 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_0 0x20 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_0 0x30 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_0 0x40 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_0 0x50 #define PORT_BROADCAST_STORM BIT(7) #define PORT_DIFFSERV_ENABLE BIT(6) #define PORT_802_1P_ENABLE BIT(5) #define PORT_BASED_PRIO_S 3 #define PORT_BASED_PRIO_M KS_PRIO_M #define PORT_BASED_PRIO_0 0 #define PORT_BASED_PRIO_1 1 #define PORT_BASED_PRIO_2 2 #define PORT_BASED_PRIO_3 3 #define PORT_INSERT_TAG BIT(2) #define PORT_REMOVE_TAG BIT(1) #define KSZ8795_PORT_2QUEUE_SPLIT_EN BIT(0) #define KSZ8873_PORT_4QUEUE_SPLIT_EN BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_1 0x11 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_1 0x21 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_1 0x31 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_1 0x41 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_1 0x51 #define PORT_MIRROR_SNIFFER BIT(7) #define PORT_MIRROR_RX BIT(6) #define PORT_MIRROR_TX BIT(5) #define PORT_VLAN_MEMBERSHIP KS_PORT_M #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_2 0x12 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_2 0x22 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_2 0x32 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_2 0x42 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_2 0x52 #define KSZ8873_PORT_2QUEUE_SPLIT_EN BIT(7) #define PORT_INGRESS_FILTER BIT(6) #define PORT_DISCARD_NON_VID BIT(5) #define PORT_FORCE_FLOW_CTRL BIT(4) #define PORT_BACK_PRESSURE BIT(3) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_3 0x13 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_3 0x23 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_3 0x33 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_3 0x43 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_3 0x53 #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_4 0x14 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_4 0x24 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_4 0x34 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_4 0x44 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_4 0x54 #define PORT_DEFAULT_VID 0x0001 #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_5 0x15 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_5 0x25 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_5 0x35 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_5 0x45 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_5 0x55 #define PORT_ACL_ENABLE BIT(2) #define PORT_AUTHEN_MODE 0x3 #define PORT_AUTHEN_PASS 0 #define PORT_AUTHEN_BLOCK 1 #define PORT_AUTHEN_TRAP 2 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_6 0x56 #define PORT_MII_INTERNAL_CLOCK BIT(7) #define PORT_GMII_MAC_MODE BIT(2) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_7 0x17 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_7 0x27 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_7 0x37 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_7 0x47 #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_ASYM_PAUSE BIT(5) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_SYM_PAUSE BIT(4) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_100BTX_FD BIT(3) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_100BTX BIT(2) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_10BT_FD BIT(1) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_10BT BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_STATUS_0 0x18 #define REG_PORT_2_STATUS_0 0x28 #define REG_PORT_3_STATUS_0 0x38 #define REG_PORT_4_STATUS_0 0x48 /* For KSZ8765. */ #define PORT_REMOTE_ASYM_PAUSE BIT(5) #define PORT_REMOTE_SYM_PAUSE BIT(4) #define PORT_REMOTE_100BTX_FD BIT(3) #define PORT_REMOTE_100BTX BIT(2) #define PORT_REMOTE_10BT_FD BIT(1) #define PORT_REMOTE_10BT BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_STATUS_1 0x19 #define REG_PORT_2_STATUS_1 0x29 #define REG_PORT_3_STATUS_1 0x39 #define REG_PORT_4_STATUS_1 0x49 #define PORT_HP_MDIX BIT(7) #define PORT_REVERSED_POLARITY BIT(5) #define PORT_TX_FLOW_CTRL BIT(4) #define PORT_RX_FLOW_CTRL BIT(3) #define PORT_STAT_SPEED_100MBIT BIT(2) #define PORT_STAT_FULL_DUPLEX BIT(1) #define PORT_REMOTE_FAULT BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_LINK_MD_CTRL 0x1A #define REG_PORT_2_LINK_MD_CTRL 0x2A #define REG_PORT_3_LINK_MD_CTRL 0x3A #define REG_PORT_4_LINK_MD_CTRL 0x4A #define PORT_CABLE_10M_SHORT BIT(7) #define PORT_CABLE_DIAG_RESULT_M GENMASK(6, 5) #define PORT_CABLE_DIAG_RESULT_S 5 #define PORT_CABLE_STAT_NORMAL 0 #define PORT_CABLE_STAT_OPEN 1 #define PORT_CABLE_STAT_SHORT 2 #define PORT_CABLE_STAT_FAILED 3 #define PORT_START_CABLE_DIAG BIT(4) #define PORT_FORCE_LINK BIT(3) #define PORT_POWER_SAVING BIT(2) #define PORT_PHY_REMOTE_LOOPBACK BIT(1) #define PORT_CABLE_FAULT_COUNTER_H 0x01 #define REG_PORT_1_LINK_MD_RESULT 0x1B #define REG_PORT_2_LINK_MD_RESULT 0x2B #define REG_PORT_3_LINK_MD_RESULT 0x3B #define REG_PORT_4_LINK_MD_RESULT 0x4B #define PORT_CABLE_FAULT_COUNTER_L 0xFF #define PORT_CABLE_FAULT_COUNTER 0x1FF #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_9 0x1C #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_9 0x2C #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_9 0x3C #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_9 0x4C #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_ENABLE BIT(7) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_DISABLE BIT(7) #define PORT_FORCE_100_MBIT BIT(6) #define PORT_FORCE_FULL_DUPLEX BIT(5) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_10 0x1D #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_10 0x2D #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_10 0x3D #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_10 0x4D #define PORT_LED_OFF BIT(7) #define PORT_TX_DISABLE BIT(6) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_RESTART BIT(5) #define PORT_POWER_DOWN BIT(3) #define PORT_AUTO_MDIX_DISABLE BIT(2) #define PORT_FORCE_MDIX BIT(1) #define PORT_MAC_LOOPBACK BIT(0) #define KSZ8873_PORT_PHY_LOOPBACK BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_STATUS_2 0x1E #define REG_PORT_2_STATUS_2 0x2E #define REG_PORT_3_STATUS_2 0x3E #define REG_PORT_4_STATUS_2 0x4E #define PORT_MDIX_STATUS BIT(7) #define PORT_AUTO_NEG_COMPLETE BIT(6) #define PORT_STAT_LINK_GOOD BIT(5) #define REG_PORT_1_STATUS_3 0x1F #define REG_PORT_2_STATUS_3 0x2F #define REG_PORT_3_STATUS_3 0x3F #define REG_PORT_4_STATUS_3 0x4F #define PORT_PHY_LOOPBACK BIT(7) #define PORT_PHY_ISOLATE BIT(5) #define PORT_PHY_SOFT_RESET BIT(4) #define PORT_PHY_FORCE_LINK BIT(3) #define PORT_PHY_MODE_M 0x7 #define PHY_MODE_IN_AUTO_NEG 1 #define PHY_MODE_10BT_HALF 2 #define PHY_MODE_100BT_HALF 3 #define PHY_MODE_10BT_FULL 5 #define PHY_MODE_100BT_FULL 6 #define PHY_MODE_ISOLDATE 7 #define REG_PORT_CTRL_0 0x00 #define REG_PORT_CTRL_1 0x01 #define REG_PORT_CTRL_2 0x02 #define REG_PORT_CTRL_VID 0x03 #define REG_PORT_CTRL_5 0x05 #define REG_PORT_STATUS_1 0x09 #define REG_PORT_LINK_MD_CTRL 0x0A #define REG_PORT_LINK_MD_RESULT 0x0B #define REG_PORT_CTRL_9 0x0C #define REG_PORT_CTRL_10 0x0D #define REG_PORT_STATUS_3 0x0F #define REG_PORT_CTRL_12 0xA0 #define REG_PORT_CTRL_13 0xA1 #define REG_PORT_RATE_CTRL_3 0xA2 #define REG_PORT_RATE_CTRL_2 0xA3 #define REG_PORT_RATE_CTRL_1 0xA4 #define REG_PORT_RATE_CTRL_0 0xA5 #define REG_PORT_RATE_LIMIT 0xA6 #define REG_PORT_IN_RATE_0 0xA7 #define REG_PORT_IN_RATE_1 0xA8 #define REG_PORT_IN_RATE_2 0xA9 #define REG_PORT_IN_RATE_3 0xAA #define REG_PORT_OUT_RATE_0 0xAB #define REG_PORT_OUT_RATE_1 0xAC #define REG_PORT_OUT_RATE_2 0xAD #define REG_PORT_OUT_RATE_3 0xAE #define PORT_CTRL_ADDR(port, addr) \ ((addr) + REG_PORT_1_CTRL_0 + (port) * \ (REG_PORT_2_CTRL_0 - REG_PORT_1_CTRL_0)) #define TABLE_EXT_SELECT_S 5 #define TABLE_EEE_V 1 #define TABLE_ACL_V 2 #define TABLE_PME_V 4 #define TABLE_LINK_MD_V 5 #define TABLE_EEE (TABLE_EEE_V << TABLE_EXT_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_ACL (TABLE_ACL_V << TABLE_EXT_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_PME (TABLE_PME_V << TABLE_EXT_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_LINK_MD (TABLE_LINK_MD << TABLE_EXT_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_READ BIT(4) #define TABLE_SELECT_S 2 #define TABLE_STATIC_MAC_V 0 #define TABLE_VLAN_V 1 #define TABLE_DYNAMIC_MAC_V 2 #define TABLE_MIB_V 3 #define TABLE_STATIC_MAC (TABLE_STATIC_MAC_V << TABLE_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_VLAN (TABLE_VLAN_V << TABLE_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_DYNAMIC_MAC (TABLE_DYNAMIC_MAC_V << TABLE_SELECT_S) #define TABLE_MIB (TABLE_MIB_V << TABLE_SELECT_S) #define REG_IND_CTRL_1 0x6F #define TABLE_ENTRY_MASK 0x03FF #define TABLE_EXT_ENTRY_MASK 0x0FFF #define REG_IND_DATA_5 0x73 #define REG_IND_DATA_2 0x76 #define REG_IND_DATA_1 0x77 #define REG_IND_DATA_0 0x78 #define REG_INT_STATUS 0x7C #define REG_INT_ENABLE 0x7D #define INT_PME BIT(4) #define REG_ACL_INT_STATUS 0x7E #define REG_ACL_INT_ENABLE 0x7F #define INT_PORT_5 BIT(4) #define INT_PORT_4 BIT(3) #define INT_PORT_3 BIT(2) #define INT_PORT_2 BIT(1) #define INT_PORT_1 BIT(0) #define INT_PORT_ALL \ (INT_PORT_5 | INT_PORT_4 | INT_PORT_3 | INT_PORT_2 | INT_PORT_1) #define REG_SW_CTRL_12 0x80 #define REG_SW_CTRL_13 0x81 #define SWITCH_802_1P_MASK 3 #define SWITCH_802_1P_BASE 3 #define SWITCH_802_1P_SHIFT 2 #define SW_802_1P_MAP_M KS_PRIO_M #define SW_802_1P_MAP_S KS_PRIO_S #define REG_SWITCH_CTRL_14 0x82 #define SW_PRIO_MAPPING_M KS_PRIO_M #define SW_PRIO_MAPPING_S 6 #define SW_PRIO_MAP_3_HI 0 #define SW_PRIO_MAP_2_HI 2 #define SW_PRIO_MAP_0_LO 3 #define REG_SW_CTRL_15 0x83 #define REG_SW_CTRL_16 0x84 #define REG_SW_CTRL_17 0x85 #define REG_SW_CTRL_18 0x86 #define SW_SELF_ADDR_FILTER_ENABLE BIT(6) #define REG_SW_UNK_UCAST_CTRL 0x83 #define REG_SW_UNK_MCAST_CTRL 0x84 #define REG_SW_UNK_VID_CTRL 0x85 #define REG_SW_UNK_IP_MCAST_CTRL 0x86 #define SW_UNK_FWD_ENABLE BIT(5) #define SW_UNK_FWD_MAP KS_PORT_M #define REG_SW_CTRL_19 0x87 #define SW_IN_RATE_LIMIT_PERIOD_M 0x3 #define SW_IN_RATE_LIMIT_PERIOD_S 4 #define SW_IN_RATE_LIMIT_16_MS 0 #define SW_IN_RATE_LIMIT_64_MS 1 #define SW_IN_RATE_LIMIT_256_MS 2 #define SW_OUT_RATE_LIMIT_QUEUE_BASED BIT(3) #define SW_INS_TAG_ENABLE BIT(2) #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_0 0x90 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_1 0x91 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_2 0x92 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_3 0x93 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_4 0x94 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_5 0x95 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_6 0x96 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_7 0x97 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_8 0x98 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_9 0x99 #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_10 0x9A #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_11 0x9B #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_12 0x9C #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_13 0x9D #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_14 0x9E #define REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_15 0x9F #define TOS_PRIO_M KS_PRIO_M #define TOS_PRIO_S KS_PRIO_S #define REG_SW_CTRL_21 0xA4 #define SW_IPV6_MLD_OPTION BIT(3) #define SW_IPV6_MLD_SNOOP BIT(2) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_12 0xB0 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_12 0xC0 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_12 0xD0 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_12 0xE0 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_12 0xF0 #define PORT_PASS_ALL BIT(6) #define PORT_INS_TAG_FOR_PORT_5_S 3 #define PORT_INS_TAG_FOR_PORT_5 BIT(3) #define PORT_INS_TAG_FOR_PORT_4 BIT(2) #define PORT_INS_TAG_FOR_PORT_3 BIT(1) #define PORT_INS_TAG_FOR_PORT_2 BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_13 0xB1 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_13 0xC1 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_13 0xD1 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_13 0xE1 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_13 0xF1 #define KSZ8795_PORT_4QUEUE_SPLIT_EN BIT(1) #define PORT_DROP_TAG BIT(0) #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_14 0xB2 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_14 0xC2 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_14 0xD2 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_14 0xE2 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_14 0xF2 #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_15 0xB3 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_15 0xC3 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_15 0xD3 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_15 0xE3 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_15 0xF3 #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_16 0xB4 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_16 0xC4 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_16 0xD4 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_16 0xE4 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_16 0xF4 #define REG_PORT_1_CTRL_17 0xB5 #define REG_PORT_2_CTRL_17 0xC5 #define REG_PORT_3_CTRL_17 0xD5 #define REG_PORT_4_CTRL_17 0xE5 #define REG_PORT_5_CTRL_17 0xF5 #define REG_PORT_1_RATE_CTRL_3 0xB2 #define REG_PORT_1_RATE_CTRL_2 0xB3 #define REG_PORT_1_RATE_CTRL_1 0xB4 #define REG_PORT_1_RATE_CTRL_0 0xB5 #define REG_PORT_2_RATE_CTRL_3 0xC2 #define REG_PORT_2_RATE_CTRL_2 0xC3 #define REG_PORT_2_RATE_CTRL_1 0xC4 #define REG_PORT_2_RATE_CTRL_0 0xC5 #define REG_PORT_3_RATE_CTRL_3 0xD2 #define REG_PORT_3_RATE_CTRL_2 0xD3 #define REG_PORT_3_RATE_CTRL_1 0xD4 #define REG_PORT_3_RATE_CTRL_0 0xD5 #define REG_PORT_4_RATE_CTRL_3 0xE2 #define REG_PORT_4_RATE_CTRL_2 0xE3 #define REG_PORT_4_RATE_CTRL_1 0xE4 #define REG_PORT_4_RATE_CTRL_0 0xE5 #define REG_PORT_5_RATE_CTRL_3 0xF2 #define REG_PORT_5_RATE_CTRL_2 0xF3 #define REG_PORT_5_RATE_CTRL_1 0xF4 #define REG_PORT_5_RATE_CTRL_0 0xF5 #define RATE_CTRL_ENABLE BIT(7) #define RATE_RATIO_M (BIT(7) - 1) #define PORT_OUT_RATE_ENABLE BIT(7) #define REG_PORT_1_RATE_LIMIT 0xB6 #define REG_PORT_2_RATE_LIMIT 0xC6 #define REG_PORT_3_RATE_LIMIT 0xD6 #define REG_PORT_4_RATE_LIMIT 0xE6 #define REG_PORT_5_RATE_LIMIT 0xF6 #define PORT_IN_PORT_BASED_S 6 #define PORT_RATE_PACKET_BASED_S 5 #define PORT_IN_FLOW_CTRL_S 4 #define PORT_IN_LIMIT_MODE_M 0x3 #define PORT_IN_LIMIT_MODE_S 2 #define PORT_COUNT_IFG_S 1 #define PORT_COUNT_PREAMBLE_S 0 #define PORT_IN_PORT_BASED BIT(PORT_IN_PORT_BASED_S) #define PORT_RATE_PACKET_BASED BIT(PORT_RATE_PACKET_BASED_S) #define PORT_IN_FLOW_CTRL BIT(PORT_IN_FLOW_CTRL_S) #define PORT_IN_ALL 0 #define PORT_IN_UNICAST 1 #define PORT_IN_MULTICAST 2 #define PORT_IN_BROADCAST 3 #define PORT_COUNT_IFG BIT(PORT_COUNT_IFG_S) #define PORT_COUNT_PREAMBLE BIT(PORT_COUNT_PREAMBLE_S) #define REG_PORT_1_IN_RATE_0 0xB7 #define REG_PORT_2_IN_RATE_0 0xC7 #define REG_PORT_3_IN_RATE_0 0xD7 #define REG_PORT_4_IN_RATE_0 0xE7 #define REG_PORT_5_IN_RATE_0 0xF7 #define REG_PORT_1_IN_RATE_1 0xB8 #define REG_PORT_2_IN_RATE_1 0xC8 #define REG_PORT_3_IN_RATE_1 0xD8 #define REG_PORT_4_IN_RATE_1 0xE8 #define REG_PORT_5_IN_RATE_1 0xF8 #define REG_PORT_1_IN_RATE_2 0xB9 #define REG_PORT_2_IN_RATE_2 0xC9 #define REG_PORT_3_IN_RATE_2 0xD9 #define REG_PORT_4_IN_RATE_2 0xE9 #define REG_PORT_5_IN_RATE_2 0xF9 #define REG_PORT_1_IN_RATE_3 0xBA #define REG_PORT_2_IN_RATE_3 0xCA #define REG_PORT_3_IN_RATE_3 0xDA #define REG_PORT_4_IN_RATE_3 0xEA #define REG_PORT_5_IN_RATE_3 0xFA #define PORT_IN_RATE_ENABLE BIT(7) #define PORT_RATE_LIMIT_M (BIT(7) - 1) #define REG_PORT_1_OUT_RATE_0 0xBB #define REG_PORT_2_OUT_RATE_0 0xCB #define REG_PORT_3_OUT_RATE_0 0xDB #define REG_PORT_4_OUT_RATE_0 0xEB #define REG_PORT_5_OUT_RATE_0 0xFB #define REG_PORT_1_OUT_RATE_1 0xBC #define REG_PORT_2_OUT_RATE_1 0xCC #define REG_PORT_3_OUT_RATE_1 0xDC #define REG_PORT_4_OUT_RATE_1 0xEC #define REG_PORT_5_OUT_RATE_1 0xFC #define REG_PORT_1_OUT_RATE_2 0xBD #define REG_PORT_2_OUT_RATE_2 0xCD #define REG_PORT_3_OUT_RATE_2 0xDD #define REG_PORT_4_OUT_RATE_2 0xED #define REG_PORT_5_OUT_RATE_2 0xFD #define REG_PORT_1_OUT_RATE_3 0xBE #define REG_PORT_2_OUT_RATE_3 0xCE #define REG_PORT_3_OUT_RATE_3 0xDE #define REG_PORT_4_OUT_RATE_3 0xEE #define REG_PORT_5_OUT_RATE_3 0xFE /* 88x3 specific */ #define REG_SW_INSERT_SRC_PVID 0xC2 /* PME */ #define SW_PME_OUTPUT_ENABLE BIT(1) #define SW_PME_ACTIVE_HIGH BIT(0) #define PORT_MAGIC_PACKET_DETECT BIT(2) #define PORT_LINK_UP_DETECT BIT(1) #define PORT_ENERGY_DETECT BIT(0) /* ACL */ #define ACL_FIRST_RULE_M 0xF #define ACL_MODE_M 0x3 #define ACL_MODE_S 4 #define ACL_MODE_DISABLE 0 #define ACL_MODE_LAYER_2 1 #define ACL_MODE_LAYER_3 2 #define ACL_MODE_LAYER_4 3 #define ACL_ENABLE_M 0x3 #define ACL_ENABLE_S 2 #define ACL_ENABLE_2_COUNT 0 #define ACL_ENABLE_2_TYPE 1 #define ACL_ENABLE_2_MAC 2 #define ACL_ENABLE_2_BOTH 3 #define ACL_ENABLE_3_IP 1 #define ACL_ENABLE_3_SRC_DST_COMP 2 #define ACL_ENABLE_4_PROTOCOL 0 #define ACL_ENABLE_4_TCP_PORT_COMP 1 #define ACL_ENABLE_4_UDP_PORT_COMP 2 #define ACL_ENABLE_4_TCP_SEQN_COMP 3 #define ACL_SRC BIT(1) #define ACL_EQUAL BIT(0) #define ACL_MAX_PORT 0xFFFF #define ACL_MIN_PORT 0xFFFF #define ACL_IP_ADDR 0xFFFFFFFF #define ACL_TCP_SEQNUM 0xFFFFFFFF #define ACL_RESERVED 0xF8 #define ACL_PORT_MODE_M 0x3 #define ACL_PORT_MODE_S 1 #define ACL_PORT_MODE_DISABLE 0 #define ACL_PORT_MODE_EITHER 1 #define ACL_PORT_MODE_IN_RANGE 2 #define ACL_PORT_MODE_OUT_OF_RANGE 3 #define ACL_TCP_FLAG_ENABLE BIT(0) #define ACL_TCP_FLAG_M 0xFF #define ACL_TCP_FLAG 0xFF #define ACL_ETH_TYPE 0xFFFF #define ACL_IP_M 0xFFFFFFFF #define ACL_PRIO_MODE_M 0x3 #define ACL_PRIO_MODE_S 6 #define ACL_PRIO_MODE_DISABLE 0 #define ACL_PRIO_MODE_HIGHER 1 #define ACL_PRIO_MODE_LOWER 2 #define ACL_PRIO_MODE_REPLACE 3 #define ACL_PRIO_M 0x7 #define ACL_PRIO_S 3 #define ACL_VLAN_PRIO_REPLACE BIT(2) #define ACL_VLAN_PRIO_M 0x7 #define ACL_VLAN_PRIO_HI_M 0x3 #define ACL_VLAN_PRIO_LO_M 0x8 #define ACL_VLAN_PRIO_S 7 #define ACL_MAP_MODE_M 0x3 #define ACL_MAP_MODE_S 5 #define ACL_MAP_MODE_DISABLE 0 #define ACL_MAP_MODE_OR 1 #define ACL_MAP_MODE_AND 2 #define ACL_MAP_MODE_REPLACE 3 #define ACL_MAP_PORT_M 0x1F #define ACL_CNT_M (BIT(11) - 1) #define ACL_CNT_S 5 #define ACL_MSEC_UNIT BIT(4) #define ACL_INTR_MODE BIT(3) #define REG_PORT_ACL_BYTE_EN_MSB 0x10 #define ACL_BYTE_EN_MSB_M 0x3F #define REG_PORT_ACL_BYTE_EN_LSB 0x11 #define ACL_ACTION_START 0xA #define ACL_ACTION_LEN 2 #define ACL_INTR_CNT_START 0xB #define ACL_RULESET_START 0xC #define ACL_RULESET_LEN 2 #define ACL_TABLE_LEN 14 #define ACL_ACTION_ENABLE 0x000C #define ACL_MATCH_ENABLE 0x1FF0 #define ACL_RULESET_ENABLE 0x2003 #define ACL_BYTE_ENABLE ((ACL_BYTE_EN_MSB_M << 8) | 0xFF) #define ACL_MODE_ENABLE (0x10 << 8) #define REG_PORT_ACL_CTRL_0 0x12 #define PORT_ACL_WRITE_DONE BIT(6) #define PORT_ACL_READ_DONE BIT(5) #define PORT_ACL_WRITE BIT(4) #define PORT_ACL_INDEX_M 0xF #define REG_PORT_ACL_CTRL_1 0x13 #define PORT_ACL_FORCE_DLR_MISS BIT(0) #define KSZ8795_ID_HI 0x0022 #define KSZ8795_ID_LO 0x1550 #define KSZ8863_ID_LO 0x1430 #define PHY_REG_LINK_MD 0x1D #define PHY_START_CABLE_DIAG BIT(15) #define PHY_CABLE_DIAG_RESULT_M GENMASK(14, 13) #define PHY_CABLE_DIAG_RESULT 0x6000 #define PHY_CABLE_STAT_NORMAL 0x0000 #define PHY_CABLE_STAT_OPEN 0x2000 #define PHY_CABLE_STAT_SHORT 0x4000 #define PHY_CABLE_STAT_FAILED 0x6000 #define PHY_CABLE_10M_SHORT BIT(12) #define PHY_CABLE_FAULT_COUNTER_M GENMASK(8, 0) #define PHY_REG_PHY_CTRL 0x1F #define PHY_MODE_M 0x7 #define PHY_MODE_S 8 #define PHY_STAT_REVERSED_POLARITY BIT(5) #define PHY_STAT_MDIX BIT(4) #define PHY_FORCE_LINK BIT(3) #define PHY_POWER_SAVING_ENABLE BIT(2) #define PHY_REMOTE_LOOPBACK BIT(1) /* Chip resource */ #define PRIO_QUEUES 4 #define KS_PRIO_IN_REG 4 #define MIB_COUNTER_NUM 0x20 /* Common names used by other drivers */ #define P_BCAST_STORM_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_0 #define P_PRIO_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_0 #define P_TAG_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_0 #define P_MIRROR_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_1 #define P_802_1P_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_2 #define P_PASS_ALL_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_12 #define P_INS_SRC_PVID_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_12 #define P_DROP_TAG_CTRL REG_PORT_CTRL_13 #define P_RATE_LIMIT_CTRL REG_PORT_RATE_LIMIT #define S_UNKNOWN_DA_CTRL REG_SWITCH_CTRL_12 #define S_FORWARD_INVALID_VID_CTRL REG_FORWARD_INVALID_VID #define S_FLUSH_TABLE_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_0 #define S_LINK_AGING_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_0 #define S_HUGE_PACKET_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_1 #define S_MIRROR_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_3 #define S_REPLACE_VID_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_4 #define S_PASS_PAUSE_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_10 #define S_802_1P_PRIO_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_12 #define S_TOS_PRIO_CTRL REG_TOS_PRIO_CTRL_0 #define S_IPV6_MLD_CTRL REG_SW_CTRL_21 #define IND_ACC_TABLE(table) ((table) << 8) /* */ #define REG_IND_EEE_GLOB2_LO 0x34 #define REG_IND_EEE_GLOB2_HI 0x35 /** * MIB_COUNTER_VALUE 00-00000000-3FFFFFFF * MIB_TOTAL_BYTES 00-0000000F-FFFFFFFF * MIB_PACKET_DROPPED 00-00000000-0000FFFF * MIB_COUNTER_VALID 00-00000020-00000000 * MIB_COUNTER_OVERFLOW 00-00000040-00000000 */ #define MIB_COUNTER_VALUE 0x3FFFFFFF #define KSZ8795_MIB_TOTAL_RX_0 0x100 #define KSZ8795_MIB_TOTAL_TX_0 0x101 #define KSZ8795_MIB_TOTAL_RX_1 0x104 #define KSZ8795_MIB_TOTAL_TX_1 0x105 #define KSZ8863_MIB_PACKET_DROPPED_TX_0 0x100 #define KSZ8863_MIB_PACKET_DROPPED_RX_0 0x105 #define MIB_PACKET_DROPPED 0x0000FFFF #define MIB_TOTAL_BYTES_H 0x0000000F #define TAIL_TAG_OVERRIDE BIT(6) #define TAIL_TAG_LOOKUP BIT(7) #define FID_ENTRIES 128 #define KSZ8_DYN_MAC_ENTRIES 1024 #endif