// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 //! Device Tree / Open Firmware abstractions. use crate::{bindings, device_id::RawDeviceId, prelude::*}; /// IdTable type for OF drivers. pub type IdTable<T> = &'static dyn kernel::device_id::IdTable<DeviceId, T>; /// An open firmware device id. #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct DeviceId(bindings::of_device_id); // SAFETY: // * `DeviceId` is a `#[repr(transparent)` wrapper of `struct of_device_id` and does not add // additional invariants, so it's safe to transmute to `RawType`. // * `DRIVER_DATA_OFFSET` is the offset to the `data` field. unsafe impl RawDeviceId for DeviceId { type RawType = bindings::of_device_id; const DRIVER_DATA_OFFSET: usize = core::mem::offset_of!(bindings::of_device_id, data); fn index(&self) -> usize { self.0.data as _ } } impl DeviceId { /// Create a new device id from an OF 'compatible' string. pub const fn new(compatible: &'static CStr) -> Self { let src = compatible.as_bytes_with_nul(); // Replace with `bindings::of_device_id::default()` once stabilized for `const`. // SAFETY: FFI type is valid to be zero-initialized. let mut of: bindings::of_device_id = unsafe { core::mem::zeroed() }; // TODO: Use `clone_from_slice` once the corresponding types do match. let mut i = 0; while i < src.len() { of.compatible[i] = src[i] as _; i += 1; } Self(of) } } /// Create an OF `IdTable` with an "alias" for modpost. #[macro_export] macro_rules! of_device_table { ($table_name:ident, $module_table_name:ident, $id_info_type: ty, $table_data: expr) => { const $table_name: $crate::device_id::IdArray< $crate::of::DeviceId, $id_info_type, { $table_data.len() }, > = $crate::device_id::IdArray::new($table_data); $crate::module_device_table!("of", $module_table_name, $table_name); }; }