// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 //! Memory-mapped IO. //! //! C header: [`include/asm-generic/io.h`](srctree/include/asm-generic/io.h) use crate::error::{code::EINVAL, Result}; use crate::{bindings, build_assert}; /// Raw representation of an MMIO region. /// /// By itself, the existence of an instance of this structure does not provide any guarantees that /// the represented MMIO region does exist or is properly mapped. /// /// Instead, the bus specific MMIO implementation must convert this raw representation into an `Io` /// instance providing the actual memory accessors. Only by the conversion into an `Io` structure /// any guarantees are given. pub struct IoRaw<const SIZE: usize = 0> { addr: usize, maxsize: usize, } impl<const SIZE: usize> IoRaw<SIZE> { /// Returns a new `IoRaw` instance on success, an error otherwise. pub fn new(addr: usize, maxsize: usize) -> Result<Self> { if maxsize < SIZE { return Err(EINVAL); } Ok(Self { addr, maxsize }) } /// Returns the base address of the MMIO region. #[inline] pub fn addr(&self) -> usize { self.addr } /// Returns the maximum size of the MMIO region. #[inline] pub fn maxsize(&self) -> usize { self.maxsize } } /// IO-mapped memory, starting at the base address @addr and spanning @maxlen bytes. /// /// The creator (usually a subsystem / bus such as PCI) is responsible for creating the /// mapping, performing an additional region request etc. /// /// # Invariant /// /// `addr` is the start and `maxsize` the length of valid I/O mapped memory region of size /// `maxsize`. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// # use kernel::{bindings, io::{Io, IoRaw}}; /// # use core::ops::Deref; /// /// // See also [`pci::Bar`] for a real example. /// struct IoMem<const SIZE: usize>(IoRaw<SIZE>); /// /// impl<const SIZE: usize> IoMem<SIZE> { /// /// # Safety /// /// /// /// [`paddr`, `paddr` + `SIZE`) must be a valid MMIO region that is mappable into the CPUs /// /// virtual address space. /// unsafe fn new(paddr: usize) -> Result<Self>{ /// // SAFETY: By the safety requirements of this function [`paddr`, `paddr` + `SIZE`) is /// // valid for `ioremap`. /// let addr = unsafe { bindings::ioremap(paddr as _, SIZE as _) }; /// if addr.is_null() { /// return Err(ENOMEM); /// } /// /// Ok(IoMem(IoRaw::new(addr as _, SIZE)?)) /// } /// } /// /// impl<const SIZE: usize> Drop for IoMem<SIZE> { /// fn drop(&mut self) { /// // SAFETY: `self.0.addr()` is guaranteed to be properly mapped by `Self::new`. /// unsafe { bindings::iounmap(self.0.addr() as _); }; /// } /// } /// /// impl<const SIZE: usize> Deref for IoMem<SIZE> { /// type Target = Io<SIZE>; /// /// fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { /// // SAFETY: The memory range stored in `self` has been properly mapped in `Self::new`. /// unsafe { Io::from_raw(&self.0) } /// } /// } /// ///# fn no_run() -> Result<(), Error> { /// // SAFETY: Invalid usage for example purposes. /// let iomem = unsafe { IoMem::<{ core::mem::size_of::<u32>() }>::new(0xBAAAAAAD)? }; /// iomem.writel(0x42, 0x0); /// assert!(iomem.try_writel(0x42, 0x0).is_ok()); /// assert!(iomem.try_writel(0x42, 0x4).is_err()); /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` #[repr(transparent)] pub struct Io<const SIZE: usize = 0>(IoRaw<SIZE>); macro_rules! define_read { ($(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident, $try_name:ident, $type_name:ty) => { /// Read IO data from a given offset known at compile time. /// /// Bound checks are performed on compile time, hence if the offset is not known at compile /// time, the build will fail. $(#[$attr])* #[inline] pub fn $name(&self, offset: usize) -> $type_name { let addr = self.io_addr_assert::<$type_name>(offset); // SAFETY: By the type invariant `addr` is a valid address for MMIO operations. unsafe { bindings::$name(addr as _) } } /// Read IO data from a given offset. /// /// Bound checks are performed on runtime, it fails if the offset (plus the type size) is /// out of bounds. $(#[$attr])* pub fn $try_name(&self, offset: usize) -> Result<$type_name> { let addr = self.io_addr::<$type_name>(offset)?; // SAFETY: By the type invariant `addr` is a valid address for MMIO operations. Ok(unsafe { bindings::$name(addr as _) }) } }; } macro_rules! define_write { ($(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident, $try_name:ident, $type_name:ty) => { /// Write IO data from a given offset known at compile time. /// /// Bound checks are performed on compile time, hence if the offset is not known at compile /// time, the build will fail. $(#[$attr])* #[inline] pub fn $name(&self, value: $type_name, offset: usize) { let addr = self.io_addr_assert::<$type_name>(offset); // SAFETY: By the type invariant `addr` is a valid address for MMIO operations. unsafe { bindings::$name(value, addr as _, ) } } /// Write IO data from a given offset. /// /// Bound checks are performed on runtime, it fails if the offset (plus the type size) is /// out of bounds. $(#[$attr])* pub fn $try_name(&self, value: $type_name, offset: usize) -> Result { let addr = self.io_addr::<$type_name>(offset)?; // SAFETY: By the type invariant `addr` is a valid address for MMIO operations. unsafe { bindings::$name(value, addr as _) } Ok(()) } }; } impl<const SIZE: usize> Io<SIZE> { /// Converts an `IoRaw` into an `Io` instance, providing the accessors to the MMIO mapping. /// /// # Safety /// /// Callers must ensure that `addr` is the start of a valid I/O mapped memory region of size /// `maxsize`. pub unsafe fn from_raw(raw: &IoRaw<SIZE>) -> &Self { // SAFETY: `Io` is a transparent wrapper around `IoRaw`. unsafe { &*core::ptr::from_ref(raw).cast() } } /// Returns the base address of this mapping. #[inline] pub fn addr(&self) -> usize { self.0.addr() } /// Returns the maximum size of this mapping. #[inline] pub fn maxsize(&self) -> usize { self.0.maxsize() } #[inline] const fn offset_valid<U>(offset: usize, size: usize) -> bool { let type_size = core::mem::size_of::<U>(); if let Some(end) = offset.checked_add(type_size) { end <= size && offset % type_size == 0 } else { false } } #[inline] fn io_addr<U>(&self, offset: usize) -> Result<usize> { if !Self::offset_valid::<U>(offset, self.maxsize()) { return Err(EINVAL); } // Probably no need to check, since the safety requirements of `Self::new` guarantee that // this can't overflow. self.addr().checked_add(offset).ok_or(EINVAL) } #[inline] fn io_addr_assert<U>(&self, offset: usize) -> usize { build_assert!(Self::offset_valid::<U>(offset, SIZE)); self.addr() + offset } define_read!(readb, try_readb, u8); define_read!(readw, try_readw, u16); define_read!(readl, try_readl, u32); define_read!( #[cfg(CONFIG_64BIT)] readq, try_readq, u64 ); define_read!(readb_relaxed, try_readb_relaxed, u8); define_read!(readw_relaxed, try_readw_relaxed, u16); define_read!(readl_relaxed, try_readl_relaxed, u32); define_read!( #[cfg(CONFIG_64BIT)] readq_relaxed, try_readq_relaxed, u64 ); define_write!(writeb, try_writeb, u8); define_write!(writew, try_writew, u16); define_write!(writel, try_writel, u32); define_write!( #[cfg(CONFIG_64BIT)] writeq, try_writeq, u64 ); define_write!(writeb_relaxed, try_writeb_relaxed, u8); define_write!(writew_relaxed, try_writew_relaxed, u16); define_write!(writel_relaxed, try_writel_relaxed, u32); define_write!( #[cfg(CONFIG_64BIT)] writeq_relaxed, try_writeq_relaxed, u64 ); }