// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 // Copyright (C) 2023 FUJITA Tomonori <fujita.tomonori@gmail.com> //! Rust Asix PHYs driver //! //! C version of this driver: [`drivers/net/phy/ax88796b.c`](./ax88796b.c) use kernel::{ c_str, net::phy::{self, reg::C22, DeviceId, Driver}, prelude::*, uapi, }; kernel::module_phy_driver! { drivers: [PhyAX88772A, PhyAX88772C, PhyAX88796B], device_table: [ DeviceId::new_with_driver::<PhyAX88772A>(), DeviceId::new_with_driver::<PhyAX88772C>(), DeviceId::new_with_driver::<PhyAX88796B>() ], name: "rust_asix_phy", author: "FUJITA Tomonori <fujita.tomonori@gmail.com>", description: "Rust Asix PHYs driver", license: "GPL", } const BMCR_SPEED100: u16 = uapi::BMCR_SPEED100 as u16; const BMCR_FULLDPLX: u16 = uapi::BMCR_FULLDPLX as u16; // Performs a software PHY reset using the standard // BMCR_RESET bit and poll for the reset bit to be cleared. // Toggle BMCR_RESET bit off to accommodate broken AX8796B PHY implementation // such as used on the Individual Computers' X-Surf 100 Zorro card. fn asix_soft_reset(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { dev.write(C22::BMCR, 0)?; dev.genphy_soft_reset() } struct PhyAX88772A; #[vtable] impl Driver for PhyAX88772A { const FLAGS: u32 = phy::flags::IS_INTERNAL; const NAME: &'static CStr = c_str!("Asix Electronics AX88772A"); const PHY_DEVICE_ID: DeviceId = DeviceId::new_with_exact_mask(0x003b1861); // AX88772A is not working properly with some old switches (NETGEAR EN 108TP): // after autoneg is done and the link status is reported as active, the MII_LPA // register is 0. This issue is not reproducible on AX88772C. fn read_status(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result<u16> { dev.genphy_update_link()?; if !dev.is_link_up() { return Ok(0); } // If MII_LPA is 0, phy_resolve_aneg_linkmode() will fail to resolve // linkmode so use MII_BMCR as default values. let ret = dev.read(C22::BMCR)?; if ret & BMCR_SPEED100 != 0 { dev.set_speed(uapi::SPEED_100); } else { dev.set_speed(uapi::SPEED_10); } let duplex = if ret & BMCR_FULLDPLX != 0 { phy::DuplexMode::Full } else { phy::DuplexMode::Half }; dev.set_duplex(duplex); dev.genphy_read_lpa()?; if dev.is_autoneg_enabled() && dev.is_autoneg_completed() { dev.resolve_aneg_linkmode(); } Ok(0) } fn suspend(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { dev.genphy_suspend() } fn resume(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { dev.genphy_resume() } fn soft_reset(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { asix_soft_reset(dev) } fn link_change_notify(dev: &mut phy::Device) { // Reset PHY, otherwise MII_LPA will provide outdated information. // This issue is reproducible only with some link partner PHYs. if dev.state() == phy::DeviceState::NoLink { let _ = dev.init_hw(); let _ = dev.start_aneg(); } } } struct PhyAX88772C; #[vtable] impl Driver for PhyAX88772C { const FLAGS: u32 = phy::flags::IS_INTERNAL; const NAME: &'static CStr = c_str!("Asix Electronics AX88772C"); const PHY_DEVICE_ID: DeviceId = DeviceId::new_with_exact_mask(0x003b1881); fn suspend(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { dev.genphy_suspend() } fn resume(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { dev.genphy_resume() } fn soft_reset(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { asix_soft_reset(dev) } } struct PhyAX88796B; #[vtable] impl Driver for PhyAX88796B { const NAME: &'static CStr = c_str!("Asix Electronics AX88796B"); const PHY_DEVICE_ID: DeviceId = DeviceId::new_with_model_mask(0x003b1841); fn soft_reset(dev: &mut phy::Device) -> Result { asix_soft_reset(dev) } }