/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <linux/linkage.h> #include <asm/asm.h> #include <asm/alternative-macros.h> #include <asm/hwcap.h> /* int strlen(const char *s) */ SYM_FUNC_START(strlen) ALTERNATIVE("nop", "j strlen_zbb", 0, RISCV_ISA_EXT_ZBB, CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_ZBB) /* * Returns * a0 - string length * * Parameters * a0 - String to measure * * Clobbers: * t0, t1 */ mv t1, a0 1: lbu t0, 0(t1) beqz t0, 2f addi t1, t1, 1 j 1b 2: sub a0, t1, a0 ret /* * Variant of strlen using the ZBB extension if available */ #ifdef CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_ZBB strlen_zbb: #ifdef CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN # define CZ clz # define SHIFT sll #else # define CZ ctz # define SHIFT srl #endif .option push .option arch,+zbb /* * Returns * a0 - string length * * Parameters * a0 - String to measure * * Clobbers * t0, t1, t2, t3 */ /* Number of irrelevant bytes in the first word. */ andi t2, a0, SZREG-1 /* Align pointer. */ andi t0, a0, -SZREG li t3, SZREG sub t3, t3, t2 slli t2, t2, 3 /* Get the first word. */ REG_L t1, 0(t0) /* * Shift away the partial data we loaded to remove the irrelevant bytes * preceding the string with the effect of adding NUL bytes at the * end of the string's first word. */ SHIFT t1, t1, t2 /* Convert non-NUL into 0xff and NUL into 0x00. */ orc.b t1, t1 /* Convert non-NUL into 0x00 and NUL into 0xff. */ not t1, t1 /* * Search for the first set bit (corresponding to a NUL byte in the * original chunk). */ CZ t1, t1 /* * The first chunk is special: compare against the number * of valid bytes in this chunk. */ srli a0, t1, 3 bgtu t3, a0, 2f /* Prepare for the word comparison loop. */ addi t2, t0, SZREG li t3, -1 /* * Our critical loop is 4 instructions and processes data in * 4 byte or 8 byte chunks. */ .p2align 3 1: REG_L t1, SZREG(t0) addi t0, t0, SZREG orc.b t1, t1 beq t1, t3, 1b not t1, t1 CZ t1, t1 srli t1, t1, 3 /* Get number of processed bytes. */ sub t2, t0, t2 /* Add number of characters in the first word. */ add a0, a0, t2 /* Add number of characters in the last word. */ add a0, a0, t1 2: ret .option pop #endif SYM_FUNC_END(strlen) SYM_FUNC_ALIAS(__pi_strlen, strlen) EXPORT_SYMBOL(strlen)