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Arch Linux

Introduction to Arch Linux and Software Management

Arch Linux is an independently developed, x86-64 general-purpose Linux distribution that aims to provide the latest stable software versions through a rolling release model. The default installation of Arch Linux is a minimal base system, and users can install the software they need (such as desktop software and development tools) and configure it to create their ideal system.

Arch Linux uses its unique package manager, Pacman, for installing, updating, and uninstalling software packages. Pacman prioritizes servers in the mirrorlist based on their order, allowing users to add their preferred mirrors to the top of the /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file while commenting out others. For more detailed information on using Arch Linux software repository mirrors, please refer to the official documentation .

Replacing Arch Linux Software Sources


To avoid problems when replacing software source configuration files, please make a backup of the system's default software source configuration files before proceeding.

  1. Edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and add the following line to the top of the file:
Server =$repo/os/$arch
  1. Update the package cache:
Are you the root user?
sudo pacman -Syyu

The yy in the command helps prevent issues when switching from broken mirrors to healthy mirrors.

If you want to switch from a newer mirror to an older mirror, you can execute the following command to downgrade some packages and avoid partial updates to the system:

Are you the root user?
sudo pacman -Syyuu


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