Hello, friends on the Internet!
From the initial nginx autoindex to the full-fledged web service we have today; from being used only by a dozen people internally at the very beginning to now being a public service; from synchronizing only four or five mirrors initially to dozens of them currently; from having a storage capacity of just a few hundred gigabytes to tens of terabytes today. After a whole year of testing and improvement, our mirror site has finally been officially opened to the public! 😂 Now, our mirror site has truly become a "mirror site" in the real sense, providing more convenient services for a vast number of Internet users. You can access our mirror site from anywhere in the world to download the software packages, mirrors, source code repositories, and so on that you need.
Meanwhile, we have discontinued the use of the old domain name mirrors.hust.college and only retained the service of mirrors.hust.edu.cn. Please note to update accordingly.